First one that comes to my mind is having to travel with an NPC and our walk/run speeds don’t match.

    11 months ago
    • escort missions
    • press x to not die
    • unskippable cutscenes
    • long-ass mandatory tutorial missions (I can and do RTFM, fuck you very much)
    • no subtitles for spoken dialogue
    • shitty writing
    • shitty voice acting
    • non-union voice acting
    • skinny dudes with huge fucking swords
    • mandatory gacha/pay to win
    • padding what could be a short, fun, memorable game with a lot of bullshit
    • trophies/achievements
    • a plot-relevant sidekick with an overly perky VA (gives Paimon from Gacha Impact the thermonuclear side-eye)
    • characters who look prepubescent in outfits a grown-ass adult would think twice about wearing
    • long, convoluted processes to find “ultimate weapons” that aren’t worth the effort