I’ve had the Apple Watch since the very beginning. I know full well how to charge an AW. I upgraded at last to the Ultra one month ago. It has worked flawlessly, till this morning. I noticed my charge was down to 31%, so I popped it on the charger. It dinged and showed the green charging icon. I left it alone for an hour. When I came back, it was still at 31% and still showed charging. So I removed it, then put it back on the charger, green icon, ding, etc. I stayed to confirm it showed it was charging. Left for an hour, came back, still at 31%! So I reset the Ultra. Now, however, it seems to be charging very slowly. It took four hours to get to 100%, which is not normal, right? Anyway, should I contact Apple or is this within normal parameters? (EDIT: I am on WatchOS 10.1.1.)