
I’m reaching out because I’ve been experiencing some persistent Wi-Fi issues with my Asus XT8 system. For no apparent reason, even when only one device is streaming on YouTube, for example, the secondary (slave) router loses connection, blinks blue, and then reconnects.

I decided to perform a complete reset through the Asus web interface, but it doesn’t seem to have made much difference. Before, the situation was worse because I had to restart the Wi-Fi on my Shield device; however, now that I’ve connected it via Ethernet, it regains internet access more quickly.

I’m currently on the latest firmware (, and I feel like Asus might have stopped development on this, as there hasn’t been an update since May, whereas previously, updates were almost monthly.

Do you have any suggestions for configuration settings? I’ve set the 2.4 GHz band to 20 MHz, the first 5 GHz band to 80 MHz, and the second 5 GHz band (used for backhaul) to 160 MHz. I’m in a detached house and don’t pick up any external Wi-Fi signals, so I don’t think channel overlap should be an issue.

Thank you for any help or advice you can provide!