• Josh2942@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I set my goal at 750 and average 1200 for the entire year. I set my goal in away that allows me to hit 50% with normal daily activity. I run almost everyday and my rest day is a 5 mile walk at a slow pace if I need it. If your goal is to lose weight, 90% of the work is done in the kitchen. Exercise is a bonus on top of you can be in great shape and never exercise. The idea of a rest day is flawed in my opinion, because you don’t need a day to sit and do nothing. I lift weights. I bench 350. I don’t do that everyday, but if you are working on a whole other sort of your body, you are fine to exercise every single day of the week. If you don’t want to do that, you are more than welcome to not do that. But I don’t believe Apple needs to add a rest day as the vast majority of people don’t work out hard enough to be so dead they can only sit in bed all day.

    • Top-Historian8779@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      The idea of a rest day is flawed in my opinion, because you don’t need a day to sit and do nothing.

      Given how fundamentally you appear to misunderstand the term/concept of a “rest day”, I’m not so sure you should be broadcasting your silly opinion with such confidence.

      A Rest Day does NOT mean sitting in bed all day. It means a day of recovery. The most elite athletes and trainers in the world endorse the concept.

      This should help the next time you want to contribute to a similar discussion: https://www.uclahealth.org/news/how-often-should-you-take-rest-day

    • The_Woman_of_Gont@alien.topB
      10 months ago

      Clearly posted by someone who has never in their life had to deal with health problems or a busy schedule that precludes a casual….checks notes ….5 mile walk.

      I prefer cardio for my exercise, and as stated I literally cannot do cardio exercise every day. My knees will not take it, period.