I’m curious as to the benefits of going with a frame work laptop realistically?

I primarily do CAD work and such so my needs are a bit different that a lot of people. But even looking at it from the perspective of wanting to game, i could pick up a second hand Dell for a tenth the price of a frame work, and have quite powerful on board graphics with a powerful CPU, and sure it wont be latest gen but it would still be enough to out preform a Framework 13 and possibly 16, and have a far bigger screen.

So surely there are some other benefits to a frame work? Or is it really just the fact you can repair these easily that make people buy them?

I’d also like to mention I do fully support what Framework are doing in terms of reparability but when it comes to considering if I should buy one I have got to think a little more logically than believing in the dream.

  • RodgerBall@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Joining the Framework crowd is not about getting the most bang for the buck. Being a niche low run laptop company they just can’t compete with the volume/price the big boys have.

    It’s about putting your money where your beliefs are. A high quality laptop that doesn’t force me to replace it when simple things go wrong. A laptop that let’s me configure it like I want. A laptop that doesn’t lock me in to their proprietary components soldered onto the motherboard.

    Some have said “sounds a bit Apple-esq”, and ya it is. It’s getting behind a company that’s doing something different, vs just saying think different.