I’m curious as to the benefits of going with a frame work laptop realistically?

I primarily do CAD work and such so my needs are a bit different that a lot of people. But even looking at it from the perspective of wanting to game, i could pick up a second hand Dell for a tenth the price of a frame work, and have quite powerful on board graphics with a powerful CPU, and sure it wont be latest gen but it would still be enough to out preform a Framework 13 and possibly 16, and have a far bigger screen.

So surely there are some other benefits to a frame work? Or is it really just the fact you can repair these easily that make people buy them?

I’d also like to mention I do fully support what Framework are doing in terms of reparability but when it comes to considering if I should buy one I have got to think a little more logically than believing in the dream.

  • a60v@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    You pretty much got it. The selling points are repairability, upgradability, a company that isn’t consumer hostile, and Linux support/compatibility. Not everyone needs these things and not everyone wants to pay what they cost. Framework also doesn’t really provide the sort of warranty and support services that most companies would require (although they are less necessary in a device that can be repaired easily).

    Buy what you need and can afford. Be glad that we have choices as consumers and that Framework is contributing to that.