RIP, goodhearted woman.

America, if you’d vote for change, this wouldn’t be necessary. The US is the only developed country where this is commonplace.

    11 months ago

    One party wants to take us back to the 1950s, the other party pretends to want change. Both parties want the status quo. They’re the ruling class and they want we peons to stay in our place and produce wealth for them. There’s not a Left and a Right anymore, there’s center-right and deep-right.

    Time and again, Democrats claim to want to help, but even when they are a majority, they always find a way to blame Republicans for their bills not getting passed. This is by design. They keep receiving votes because, “obviously, we’re trying!” when in reality they don’t want to risk their wealth any more than anyone else in the ruling class. They all live in a bubble outside of reality where they don’t even have to think about or concern themselves with “tiny” problems like medical debt thanks to perks like their government health plan and voting for their own pay raises.

    Every once in a blue, they dangle a carrot like the affordable care act, net neutrality, or the attempts to delete student loan debt, so they can keep voters coming back and voting D, but it’s all just a contrived farce.

    Unfortunately, now it’s either voting for fascism or voting for the status quo, so for the preservation of the country, more will vote D, and the Democratic party will assume it is because We The People like their weak attempts at policy.