I have a landline and good 5G signal in my area and like most other people here I am thinking about a multi-wan setup.

Reading all related posts here however, I don’t see an optimal use case for taking full advantages for both connections. For the sake of the discussion lets say I pay $60 per month for 300Mbps/300Mbps landline and $40 per month for 5G unlimited 700/70Mbps

Option 1: Use failover and have the 5G connection as standby. This is super easy to do with the appropriate router but I see it as way to just waste $40 per month for a really good connection. If the landline is fairly stable, then just paying extra $40 just for a backup sounds wasteful to me

Option 2: Use loadbalancing. This is also easy with a good router but I read it has tech issues. E-shops will be confused and you will lose your cart/basket, banking sites will flag you if you come authenticated from multiple IPs and only some very specific apps (torrents, steam) can actually take advantage of multiple connections. My house also has non-technical uses, so breaking their e-shop habits is out of the question.

Option 3: Use openmptcprouter or similar solution. This seems like the holy grail but it sounds very complicated. The website seems like an 1-man job and it also requires a VPS which brings a new set of problems. Has any actually used this solution and has feedback? Are there any other better solutions for bonding connections?

Option 4: Use a mix of the above. Maybe setup two Wifi SSIDs. One that uses failover and one for load balancing. And then you just make sure that people that will use e-shops and banking always go for the failover wifi. Has anybody done this?

Is there any other option I am missing here?