I have been using apple products for a long time now, and it seems that for every apple product I buy I manage to find a flaw. whether its iPhones that have scratches and chips out of the box, iPads with uneven tone of the display (one area water than the other), or a MacBook with the lid shifted compared to the base. my experience is that no apple product will be perfect out of the box, and that trying to get a replacement is not worth the hassle as the replacements as well are not perfect out of the box. and lets not talk about fiascos like the butterfly keyboard which was kept alive for way too long.

now, if it was a mid-range tech company, where the products were cheaper, that would have made sense, but the apple brand is synonymous with quality and luxury, and for the price they charge for their products - wouldn’t it have made sense to accept no less than perfection? to expect more rigorous quality control?

maybe people who have insight on how apple and similar companies do quality control can shed some light on that, and on why the end result often doesn’t seem to match Apples reputation?

  • InfiniteHench@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I’m old enough to remember when an iOS update would crash your entire phone if you answered an incoming call.

    Or the time the early, brand new aluminum 15” MBPs shipped with poorly seated displays that developed big white spots all over.

    And the original, original 12-inch MBP that ran so hot people cooked eggs on it.

    And the Mac OS X (yes that was its name) release that was heavily marketed as “no new features this year, just bug fixes.”

    I’m not excusing any of it. Apple’s made of humans. Humans are flawed. 🤷🏻‍♂️

  • tujuhtigatujuh@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Man, I totally get where you’re coming from with the Apple frustrations. It’s like, you dish out a hefty sum expecting top-notch quality and then bam! You’re hit with issues right out of the box. It’s not just you; I’ve heard similar stories about iPhones looking like they’ve been in a pocket with keys, iPads with that weird display tone thing, and don’t even get me started on the MacBook lids.

    You’d think with the price tag and Apple’s rep for quality, these things would be flawless, right? But nope, there’s always something. And trying to get a replacement feels like entering a loop of imperfection. It’s wild that they let the whole butterfly keyboard debacle drag on for ages too.

    You bring up a solid point about expectations. If it was some mid-range brand, maybe these issues wouldn’t sting as much. But Apple’s like the Gucci of tech, so you’re not just buying a gadget; you’re buying into this idea of luxury and perfection. It does make you wonder about their quality control process. Like, how does this stuff slip through, especially given their reputation?

    Anyone out there with insider knowledge on Apple’s QC? It’d be interesting to get some insight into why there’s this mismatch between Apple’s luxe image and the reality of their product quality.

  • simoncpu@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Apple’s quality control has been questionable since I purchased the first-generation MacBook, the white polycarbonate one, long before they switched to aluminum. I saved up to buy this laptop, but the palmrest deteriorated quickly. It turned yellow after a year and eventually cracked and disintegrated. Years later, I assumed their quality control would have improved, but the MacBook M1 still had questionable quality in its palmrest. After a few months of use, the anodized aluminum faded, and the areas where you rest your wrists became extremely noticeable! Apple’s quality control is crap.

    I’ve purchased several Apple devices over the years, yet each time I buy one, there’s always something that seems like it should have failed their quality control. For instance, there was even a speck of dust inside the screen of my iPad Mini 3!

    ps: I don’t complain as much with Android devices because due to their reasonable price, my expectations are set accordingly.

  • Banmers@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I remember the fiasco with the fitst iPad Retina models and the yellow blotches on the screens because of glue that had not dried well yet. So many of those devices came with that issue, it was insane.

  • Nowisee314@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    If I am understanding your question correctly, you want to know why the apple products are not perfect?
    What product have you bought in the last 5 years that was perfect? Understanding that perfect is subjective.
    Where was it manufactured?
    How much did it cost?
    Did it’s perfect add to it’s performance or appearance?

    People have had hip replacements that were defective.
    $3.2M homes with all sorts of defects.
    Boeing’s 737Max had software defects that killed people.

  • jojochosan@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    Apple has one since they move manufacturering from China to India. Let say they have a lot of catching up to do, and the labors are of different culture and government style so it will be never be an Apple to Apple comparison (no pun). Perhaps you need to understand India productions control as a whole, as a country compares to other Asiatic countries: Taiwan , Vietnam, China, Cambodia , etc.

  • LegoPirateShip@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    I think it’s due to the transition from china to India. As Apple slowly changing up its supply chain parts by parts, from the well experienced Chinese manufacturers to Vietnamese, Indian and other manufacturer’s, who previously didn’t have experience with apple’s standards and quantities, more and more problems will occur until those companies get their stuff, workers and processes together.

    • Hopeful_Cold3769@alien.topOPB
      10 months ago

      I don’t think so. no part of the pro line is manufactured in India, the regular iPhone 15 and 15 plus are the only models that have units made in India, but the pro suffers the same issue as the regular 15.

      also - this kind of issues go way back, so in that regard I doubt it had an effect

  • marsovec@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    why I made a couple of years break from apple: I bought the 13 pro, it arrived with a 1mm gap between the glass and the frame on the top left corner, the official store employee was assuring me that it’s normal (I asked me to show me another such phone in their inventory of thousands, he just shrugged his shoulders and told me there was nothing he could do about it).

    sweared to never get another device from them but had lots of issues with missed notifications on my Fold 3 and 4 (family and work is too important to put up with that, no matter how great those devices were overall).

    so yeah I am here out of bare necessity only, otherwise I do agree with you 100%. also - my iphone 8 build quality still seems much better than my 15 pro max.

  • ScootSchloingo@alien.topB
    10 months ago

    2000s Apple: Amazing software with unparalleled UI design running on mid hardware with unparalleled industrial design

    2020s Apple: Mid software with boring UI design running on unparalleled hardware with slightly above-average industrial design