Seagate SAS ST12000NM0027 over 3 months.
Gonna see how long it’ll keep going for.
Seagate 12TB SAS drives and disk read errors. Name a better duo.
I bought three of these a while back and all three had to go through RMA within a couple of months.
Yup, never really had an issue (touch wood) with any of the other sizes and I had 4 of this exact model get a bunch of defects.
Would def avoid the ST12000NM models if possible!
Read error rates are meaningless on Seagate drives. It’s tallying internal data and not indicative of drive health.
On a SAS disk, grown defects are reassigned blocks, not read and seek error rates.
Sorry, I just read “disk read errors” from previous poster and see a lot of people freak out over the seek error rate or disk read error attributes.