Several mountain villages have been evacuated due to a forest fire in the country’s southern Valais region. Efforts to bring the blaze under control are ongoing.

The fire above Bitsch, a municipality in canton Valais, started on Monday and spread rapidly, fanned by strong winds, to cover an area of some 100 hectares.

Over 200 residents of villages including Oberried and Ried-Mörel have been evacuated, while other local areas have been warned of possible rockfalls.

Overnight, two helicopters worked to douse the flames, but by Tuesday morning had not been successful in bringing it fully under control.

Three additional helicopters are to be used on Tuesday. Authorities said extinguishing operations are expected to last several days if not weeks.

Local officials added that they had not yet received reports of damage to buildings, nor of harm to any humans due to the fire.

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