I’m pretty new to the leftist online space and only recently discovered that I probably have asd but have known for a while that I have ADHD. You ever feel like your interest in communism is fleeting and/or a temporary hyperfixation? I know I do this alot where for a few months I’ll find a topic and it’s all I’ll talk about or think about and then eventually it drops out of my consciousness permanently and I don’t think about it ever again.

I don’t want that to happen with communism or politics in general. I feel I have a moral reason to stick with this one but I fear it is out of my hands. Do you guys struggle with this too? I feel it would be easier to stick with it if I made it materially part of my life through volunteer action or party organization but there isn’t much volunteer work where I live and there isn’t a party presence either. How do y’all navigate this?

  • mathemachristian[he]@lemm.ee
    10 months ago

    For me Im in a similar situation as I’m pretty new as well (check my account age). It most likely will wane, in fact I feel it already waning, but it will probably pop back up again at some point. Its helpful that there is a rich variety of topics to fixate on, so I kind of have always something new to dive into, but something completely different will probably come along and that’s fine.

    What really is important I think is what I actually can do. Like the material effect I can have, which at the moment is fuckall because I have neither time nor money to give. Except go as vegan as possible so that’s what I’m doing.

    But getting involved is the best way to keep your interest in something. For example helping out in the church made sure I went there and stick with my chosen faith and socialize even if it didn’t interest me at the time.

    So I guess I dont really have advice sorry. If I had the time I would probably be translating some texts like blackshirts and reds if I couldn’t find an org to help out in.