that’s one of the reasons i think Lenovo has won the laptop war, they include all operating systems and make it very easy to install any on your device, i love Ubuntu a lot, and chromeOS too

    10 months ago

    I think ChromeOS has its place, i.e. institutional settings and users with minimal tech literacy. I do IT for a non profit that employs and helps folks coming out of prison after long terms (many of whom have literally never touched a computer in their lives). As much as I dislike many of Google’s practices, Chromebooks make our work possible. I can’t imagine trying to singlehandedly manage hundreds of Windows/Mac/Linux systems by myself, to say nothing of teaching the additional intricacies. Is chromeos my ideal daily driver, absolutely not. However, it’s an incredibly accessible tool that allows folks with limited tech expertise and limited budgets to engage with the modern infrastructure of life.