Hey there! Hope y’all are having a great time of your life…. I’d like to share a very revolutionising idea that changed my life into so much more productive and happier in general.

Sleep is a fundamental aspect of our lives that often goes unnoticed until we experience sleep problems . Here are the things that I fixed that helped me improve quality of my life-

  1. One of the most important things to remember is that your night’s sleep begins the morning before. According to Shawn Stevenson, author of “Sleep Smarter,” getting direct sun exposure into your eyes and on your skin first thing in the morning helps to set your circadian rhythms, which are responsible for regulating your sleep cycle.

  2. Eating and drinking habits can also significantly impact our sleep quality. According to Matthew Walker, author of “Why We Sleep,” it’s essential to pay attention to what and when we consume. Walker recommends having your last meal at least three hours before bedtime to allow for proper digestion

  3. Creating a sleep-friendly environment is crucial for improving sleep quality. One of the key factors is managing light exposure. In today’s modern world, our reliance on technology exposes us to high amounts of blue light, which can suppress melatonin production, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. To combat this, dimming your computer screen and using blue light-blocking glasses can help reduce the negative effects of artificial light on your sleep.

I hope this post was helpful to you. Ive been learning and sharing these experiences as much as i can to help people grow and spread awareness… I’ve been using my newsletter as the main source of doing that so if you really like the content then consider taking a look at it- https://ascension.beehiiv.com
I hope this post was helpful to you!