Pre covid, I was strong, I weighed in around 85-90 ish with some pretty decent muscle mass. I did powerlifting, really loved it and I was very close to squatting 250kg. Yes it’s a rookie number compared to others but I felt like I was on top of the world.

Then covid came, lockdown came afterwards and all the gym closed and I had to rely on home workout. I was only motivated for the first month. I stopped after a while because I thought this lockdown thing will only last a few months and then 1 month became 2,3,4 and suddenly a year passes by in a blink of an eye. So I have stopped working out for almost 2 years by 2022.

I kept blaming lockdown for my weight gain but it’s 2024, I’m 110kg, feeling disgusted looking in the mirror. A lot of my clothes don’t fit and I just can’t find the motivation to go to the gym.

To those who felt like this before and managed to turn your life around, how did you guys do it?


pre covid stong boi stopped working out after gym closed thinking I’ll just start over when the gym reopened 2024 sad fat boi, what do?