This is advice for overthinkers like myself. A lot of people have this image of themselves as a perfect productivity machine. So when your day is going perfectly but then you slip up once, say you take a bite of chocolate or you start scrolling on social media. All of a sudden that perfect image of yourself gets destroyed and now you have no reason to not just eat the rest of the chocolate or keep scrolling the rest of your day away. This happens because of an “all or nothing” mindset. You’re either perfect or not with no in between. You categorise your days as successes or failures.

I say, change that “all or nothing” mindset into a “something or nothing” mindset. Turn those 0% days into 50% days. Or 20% or even 5%. Anything is better than nothing. You took a bite of chocolate, it’s not the end of the world just put it away and get on with your day. No you’re not a failure of a human just because you’ve been scrolling for the past 20 mins. Close the app, put your phone on airplane mode and keep it far away from you.

Don’t expect to never mess up again cause you will. But by getting rid of that all or nothing mindset you can get better at damage control. If you can cut your losses early then you’ll eliminate serious bad habits like doom scrolling and binge eating before they have a chance to get to that stage.