Hi all, I am in desperate need of a reality check. I feel so lost in the sauce and unmotivated to do anything besides nanny a baby. I graduated from an Ivy League university in May 2022 and worked a great job, was studying for med school, and overall making progress towards my goals. Then, the depression hit. I started smoking weed a ton and eventually left my job to move back home. Ive been stuck ever since. I don’t feel passionate about anything besides my family and dogs. I want to be a productive person but I am stuck in a horrendous pattern. I smoke, eat, and watch tv on the days when I can. I have a nannying job 2-3 days a week and thats been good for me but I need to be doing more. Im not trying to be a spoiled brat, I know how blessed I am to be able to even be in this position. I genuinely feel so stuck and do not know what to do. I am not sure about anything aside from the fact that my family is everything. Should I just find someone who can provide for me and be a homemaker ? Should I push myself and go to med school? Should I drop everything and move abroad ? Should I do something entirely unrelated to medicine ? Please someone, tell me what I should do.