Its the standard Born Again Christian trope. Not enough to simply say that you’re against fapping for reasons. You need to claim an entire story arc around your fall, hitting rock bottom, empathizing with your fellow removed, finding the One True Path to salvation, and then rebuilding yourself in this brand new superior self-image.
You cannot truly condemn Hentai until you have been consumed by it and shat out the other side, dusted off by Jesus Christ himself, and rehabilitated into his most Righteous Satan-Killing Supersoldier.
Its the standard Born Again Christian trope. Not enough to simply say that you’re against fapping for reasons. You need to claim an entire story arc around your fall, hitting rock bottom, empathizing with your fellow removed, finding the One True Path to salvation, and then rebuilding yourself in this brand new superior self-image.
You cannot truly condemn Hentai until you have been consumed by it and shat out the other side, dusted off by Jesus Christ himself, and rehabilitated into his most Righteous Satan-Killing Supersoldier.