A few times lately someone has replied to me and I click on their comment in my inbox to reply back. It takes me to the thread, but only shows a parent or sibling comment, not the reply that was in the inbox. But if I go back to the inbox and click on their profile, I see the comment in their history.

Most recently, this happened to a comment from [email protected]. They sent me a reply telling me about a containers plugin in Firefox and I just want to reply back thanking them for the tip.

Is this a real bug, or is it an artifact of how some instances are not federated with others?

Android 10 Galaxy S9

Edit: Link doesn’t seem to lead to their account. Am I linking it wrong?

  • sirxdaemon@lemmy.ca
    1 year ago

    Regarding the second screenshot, if you visit the thread and go to their user page, you’ll notice their display name at the top, Azzy, and then their username and instance below that, @[email protected]. So their username is actually AzzyDev, which is why you got that search result.

    You can change your display name to whatever you want through you account settings and currently it’ll show in place of your username, both on mobile and in apps like Connect. Lenny should probably adjust that because it’s a security problem. I commented in a different thread about the issue and hopefully it will get addressed in Connect as well.

    EDIT: I should clarify to visit their user page on mobile. Connect currently just shows the display name if one is set and doesn’t show both.