Where is day 5 and day 6? Nothing happened, day 5 was midterm review plus seminars and day 6 was the midterm. I will say, I did struggle with the midterm, during the essay portion I ended up running out of time so the last bit was incredibly messy and just bad in general. I did write a note on the end explaining why the quality took a steep dive so maybe it would make my professor be a bit more understanding when marking it. Who knows, he did say that he will take into account and reward us for effort so maybe I didn’t do half bad, I’ll never know because I refuse to look at my marks. I’d rather not cause more psychic damage to myself.

Anyway let’s get on with day 7. This day we talked about war and, my god, were comments made. These comments may be of interest to you so stick around for them. He began the lecture with a little speech about war and how he hopes that our generation will be different when it comes to violence. In my opinion I kind of doubt it since we have some warmongers in this very class so… yeah. He went in on the definition of war: organized violence. Is there more to it? Of course, but this is the simplest explanation. War is a human flaw, he says. There are interstate wars and intrastate wars. He then brought up Clausewitz’s Trinity: people, government, and army. We didn’t talk about Clausewitz in depth at all, all he told us was that he was a Prussian military guy who came up with this trinity. My professor also introduced us to the term “casus belli” which means something like “the cause of war.” He then asked us what was the cause of the Ukraine war: a student said territorial expansion (as in regaining soviet land) and denazification. This was a good enough explanation I guess and my professor just went with it, he also considered both to be terrible reasons for going to war, stating that denazify doesn’t mean anything in this context. “What does he mean to denazify?” He then asks us about Gaza, the Zionists pipes up immediately with “October 7th attacks.”

We then moved on to going a bit more into the trinity, starting with people. People have hatred: and with that my professor said he believes that Putin hates Ukrainians. That’s right, not the government but the actual people. He said so because during the Beijing olympics Putin was scowling something horrible when a Ukrainian athlete won. Moving on, governments use reason and policy to enact war and armies deal with chance, for example when hitler went to invade the soviet union he got screwed over by winter, aka chance. The Ukraine war was brought up as an example again. In this war governments are the most important aspect; Putin wants previous USSR territory while Zelenskyy wants to be in NATO; my professor thinks that Putin is the main problem and if he was gone today the war would end very quickly; when it comes to the army, Russian civilians hate their military and this is proven due to their support of Prigozhin’s coup attempt and the fact that they are forcefully conscripted; Ukrainians love their military and government which gives them a huge advantage. No, he did not talk about conscription in Ukraine and the fact that Zelenskyy made a call for refugees to come back and fight. Oh well.

So what are the justifications of war? This is explained by the Just War Theory, which we split between Jus in Bello and Jus ad Bellum. Lots of Latin. Jus in Bello is about the conduct of war and Jus ad Bellum is about the just cause for war. Jus in Bello deals with whether the war is proportional or not and whether there is discrimination between combatants and non-combatants. With this he brought up how Trudeau is in trouble due to being caught between pro-Palestine and pro-Israel members, he even b talked about how recently there were pro-Palestine protestors in the House of Commons, interrupting the session and then getting kicked out. The Zionist in my class speaks up and asks about discrimination when an “army” hides among civilians, what then? My professor straight up said that this is difficult to answer and its hard to out legal terms into practise. The Ukraine war is clear cut, Russia is bombing civilians knowingly while with Palestine Israel claims to be discriminating, but is that true? Who knows. Another student asked about the Houthis discriminating between ships, of course the US and UK retaliated horribly and with that my professor said that Canada came out in support of these attacks at first but then next turned around against it, he thinks this was a terrible mistake, we never should’ve been involved in the first place. Canada has no business involving itself with the US and UK, it’s a bad diplomatic move and makes us look really really bad. He said that Trudeau wants to look good on the international stage but lacks substance. He doesn’t think things through.

Jus ad Bellum deal with what conditions give reason for war. He then asked us a weird question: if the Mexican government kidnapped Canadians, is that war worthy? Some students wholeheartedly said yes, the Zionist was the loudest in this proclamation. For the most part it was agreed that outright invasion on Canadian soil would be just cause for going to war. Another reason given by my professor was to prevent genocide. With that he brought up the “genocide” in Xinjiang, and asked us should we invade in this situation? The Zionist laughed and stated it would be a waste because we’d get absolutely destroyed. We then moved on learning that war must be carried out by competent authorities (Hamas is not a competent authority, says my professor) and it must be a last resort after diplomacy has failed.

Next is typologies: preemptive war, preventative war, total war, limited war, civil war, international war, cyber warfare, hybrid warfare, war of inequality and war of rivalry. When we were talking about all this Turkey was brought up and I learned that Turkey is not in the EU because of the Armenian genocide, lack of democratic governance, treatment of Kurds, and them being a Muslim majority state. We then went over peacemaking, peacekeeping, and pacific settlement. These terms weren’t described in detail, most likely due to time running out. He then ended the lecture asking us if war would become obsolete, most said no and he replied that that was quite discouraging. He really wants us to be the generation that will not be warmongers I guess. He then asked what we would do to stop war, a student said he’d kill all world leaders. Professor then asked if we replaced all world leaders with women, would there be no more wars? I say absolutely not, other students seem to be of the opinion that while war would not go away there would probably be less so as women are more logical and not looking to posture, unlike men. It was argued that diversification in general would be better for lessening war. Other students said it depends on the woman. Another student said that environment plays a bigger role than gender and used Danielle Smith (Alberta Premier) as an example: she’s a woman but isn’t less combative; she is the leader of the UCP and that environment fosters animosity; her gender is meaningless. It was then stated that men have an ego that women do not seem to have (I guess?) and that is the biggest reason for war, my professor took to this and said that Putin has an ego and that fosters the war he is carrying out.

Then we moved on to the seminar portion and only one person went. This seminar was about Russia-China collusion, the US must be careful with its policies against China and Russia as they will work together and undermine the West. In her ending critique of the article she believes Russia and China need the US and its allies more and cannot rely on each other. She thinks they are independent from each other and don’t need that relationship. Professor pushed back against this, stating that now they are relying on each other a lot and their relationship is getting stronger and stronger. This was just a weird seminar, I felt bad for her to be honest, not in a mean patronizing way, but in the “I know you just want to get this over with, I get it” way.

Anyway that was day 7, we’re moving into the break so that means I can relax a little bit. By relax I mean work on my research paper (I have to compare Putin and Xi Jingping) and get caught up on readings/assignments. Maybe I’ll be able to play some video games and draw too.

  • cfgaussian@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    What i’m getting is that western universities are indoctrinating students with liberal imperialist propaganda and professors are peddling straight up lies…sad…all the more so since so few students seem willing or able to push back.

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      8 months ago

      It’s the same shit in my history class but I feel like it’s worse. Because my history class this semester is literally about genocides we’ve talked briefly about Palestine and every time my professor seems incredibly hesitant to label it as such, saying its not black and white, but he seems very enthusiastic to call Putin genocidal and believes the Uyghur genocide thing. It’s incredibly frustrating to deal with on a daily basis, but on the plus side I’ve gotten very good at holding back scowls and rolling my eyes. While I don’t talk much at all, I’m too scared, my expressions give me away so I had to learn to reel them in. Masking helps.

      Edit: you’d think being a professor would make you a research expert, meaning you’d be able to discriminate between the lies and the good sources but I guess thats not necessarily the case…

  • deathtoreddit@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    The Zionist laughed and stated it would be a waste because we’d get absolutely destroyed.

    (Context: Proposition of war on Xinjiang by one of the college students)

    Explains a lot about them

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      8 months ago

      I swear every time he speaks my eyes want to into the back of my head. It’s a nightmare having to be in the same class as this fool. He’s a little warmonger.

      • deathtoreddit@lemmygrad.ml
        8 months ago

        That’s something (prbly thinks himself the next Kissinger) but the fact the Zionist hesitated is quite funny…

        • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
          8 months ago

          He’s fine fighting a hypothetical war against Mexico and Russia (if they invaded) but China is off limits, I guess. Why? Maybe he knows how powerful China is and doesn’t want to risk it, maybe he just doesn’t want to fight a war that doesn’t directly involve Canada, I can’t really say. What I do know is that he’s been a pest since the first day of class and I can’t stand him. There’s just no way I can give him the benefit of the doubt with whatever he says.

          • deathtoreddit@lemmygrad.ml
            8 months ago

            If I’d saw him, I’d turn off my own brain and pretend that he doesn’t exist, outside of the lectures…

            The annoying nature of that guy reminds me of that student of Irish descent (context: I’m in a very mixed school, prbly majority Asian, especially middle eastern and south asian, and slavic) who is quite talkative and seems like a chud without the racism, by the vibes…

            • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
              8 months ago

              Thankfully PoliSci is the only class I share with him. When I do see him in the hallways I have to stop myself from letting it ruin my whole day lol

  • taiphlosion@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    Don’t know how you could sit through this nonsense, comrade, honestly I’d be the most combative mf in there calling out everyone’s shit takes.

    Even the professor is just outright lying about Russia and China but what else can you do, I imagine these people are told to teach by the script or they really believe their own bullshit.

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      8 months ago

      Don’t know how you could sit through this nonsense, comrade, honestly I’d be the most combative mf in there calling out everyone’s shit takes.

      I’m only able to do it because of my personality. I’m internally screaming a lot, I even have to physically hold myself back from making any sort of expressions that would give away my disdain. Eye rolling can be dangerous so I’ve gotten good at not doing that when I hear some nonsense. Even though I get frustrated a lot I don’t have the temperament to speak up, I’m just naturally very shy and quiet in these situations so even though i want to speak it is very difficult for me to do, if that makes sense.

      This post is about my Political Science professor, but it’s the exact same in my history class as well. So I honestly get double the exhaustion every week. I swear my history professor always has to take a dig at Russia even if the case study for the week has next to nothing to do about Russia, he also has mentioned the Uyghur thing a few times too which is… cool…

      It’s hard to deal with but I do get some catharsis with the research papers, with those I feel the most confident expressing myself as its just between me and the professor and I don’t have to worry about being dogpiled by my fellow students. Because even though most of the talking is done by the professor, the students are also a big problem.

      I have to tread lightly.

    • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.mlOPM
      8 months ago

      The topic is a bit more specific than just comparing the two in general: I have to compare their foreign policies based on conception of power and approach to multilateral diplomacy, responses to regional threats, and approaches to dealing with African states. So a lot more grounded than what I made it out to be. It’s still a pretty big topic, though. I tend to use these research papers as opportunities to talk my shit without fear so I’ll probably mention the Xinjiang thing if I can find enough info.