Been using it for 1-2 months ig, and its honestly, become a part of my warframe experience, its just that good. But i formatted my pc day before yesterday and yesterday i downloaded warframe and alecaframe again, and there you go, i got suspended. I filed for a ban lift request and got the ban lift, and also reported the ban to overwolf(alecaframe). They literally said they are working closely with the game developers and that alecaframe will not get me banned. So i used it again and there you go again, banned again. I got the 2nd ban lift but still, is it not okay to use alecaframe now? Or is it just my account now? For those thinking “oh you must have something else in your pc then”. Nah, formatted it, it just has a browser, and warframe

    1 年前

    Unfortunately, they will never come out and say that. Overwolf, at its core, is accessing their data. They explicitly state the following in their third party software thread:

    “If you use external software in conjunction with Warframe, then you do so at your own risk. (…) This leads into why a list is not provided. If you have a piece of Macro software that is normally tolerated, but is then discovered to be the source of a future exploit, that software may get added to a ban list, and you could potentially be caught up in the automatic drag net. As stated above, there is no easy way to prove that the software used is benign.”

    They don’t give us an official “okay-list”, because every app can change functionality with an update to the point where it would be against ToS.