Alaskaball [comrade/them]

Why are you profile stalking like a creep?

  • 662 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • Говорит Шестиугольный Медведь!

    Сообщение Совинформбюро!

    Модераторы 1-го Международного информационного фронта под командованием фельдмаршала Советского Союза 72 трлн при поддержке 1-го Украинского информационного фронта под командованием фельдмаршала Советского Союза Карпа Правда завершила уничтожение мировой группы Лемми фашистских войск после упорных уличных боев!

    А сегодня, 17 сентября, они полностью захватили столицу нацистского мира Лемми, город Лэнгли, штат Вирджиния!

    Центр империализма Лемми и центр агрессии Лемми.

    Hi, I’m here to announce that Hexbear’s News Comm is going to be changing the rules of the comm in order to better modernize rules that haven’t been changed since the founding of hexbear or have been added slap-shod in the heat of the moment to address pressing issues of the day.

    With that in mind, we of the News Comm mod team have decided to add an element of democracy to the process of modernizing the comm’s rules by opening the floor to the participants of the comm to both propose new rules, edit or strike old rules, and after deliberation by the mod team, voting yea or nay on the finalized slate.

    If you wish to participate by making proposals, please make a comment in reply to this pinned comment with your proposed motion. For your proposed motion to move to deliberation by the mod team, we’ll be requiring a minimum floor of 21 votes (20 unique votes plus your own comment’s initial vote).

    An example of this could be "Proposal to editing the old rule 4 on twitter links from to xcancel or any other twitter mirror that does not require an account, while also striking the section referring to the firefox extension, making it

    – If you are citing a twitter post as news please include not just the in your links but also (or another alternative instance). There is also a Firefox extension that can redirect Twitter links to a Nitter instance: . or archive them as you would any other reactionary source using e.g. . Twitter screenshots still need to be sourced or they will be removed –

    End proposal"

    Proposals that meet the minimum required votes will be brought to the floor in a private chamber for deliberation by the mod team and proposals will be discussed, edited should minor adjustments be needed, and finally voted upon to accept it as a part of the final draft or to table it from discussion. (by the way we called the chatroom we’re gonna be chattering about all your ideas “The Central Committee of the news mega” You can either be jealous or mirthful of the level of Larping we’re doing for this event)

    After a set amount of time for accepting new proposals, discussing, and voting upon them, we’ll do another one of these pinned comments presenting each accepted proposed rule for a simple thumbs up-thumbs down vote. After a set period of voting, we’ll confirm the results and edit the Comm rules to reflect the new changes. (The voting system will look like Comment with proposal and two reply comments with a silly emoji and text saying “Yea” and “Nay”)

    Alright my little war piggies, its time to run wild!

  • You are a product of your material environment. By which me and @[email protected] both share similar life experiences of having a reactionary jackass of a dad. Like imagine having one of those radio shock jock asshats like Limbaugh, Levine, or Savage, as your dad and simply imagine wanting to make your dad proud. Like I was reactionary enough that if gamergate existed when I was a kid, I’m fairly confident I would’ve simply been refined by the pipeline into a self-hating asian ultranat fash that vicariously overemphasizes my white side while hating every moment of my existence.

    Now I shouldn’t bear any credit to the ethnic background of my friend who was the final nail in the coffin of my reactionary past as they’re a self-hating Russian and a liberal, but you could say that the soviet legacy that helped make them who they are - via their parents - helped make me who I am.