• 10 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzElsevier
    3 days ago

    Interesting concept for an open collaboration!

    Should also address the misuse of the points when some large researcher doesn’t care to peer review and may give power to someone else, or hacking leading to spending of points, or whatever threats there can be

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzElsevier
    3 days ago

    Fair enough, though why should journals even be a thing? Why not just university publishing papers online as soon as they are accepted?

    Currently we already have this thing with some journals publishing online the articles that are meant for future issues, which fucks up citations quite a bit. Why not just ditch the entire “journal” format altogether?

  • Allero@lemmy.todaytoScience Memes@mander.xyzElsevier
    3 days ago

    Probably won’t take off because scientists need reputable journals and not some random fediverse publishers.

    Is it fucked up? Absolutely. But something else needs to be changed before this would be possible.

    Also, why not ditch the concept of a “publisher” to begin with? Why not have a national or international article index, graded by the article level? It’s not that we live in a paper era, and for those who still need it, we can always print.

  • Nah, you (and apparently a shitton of people who disliked the previous comment into oblivion) made a lot of assumptions about me, and the only reason I’m having this tone is exactly in response to such aggressive actions.

    I must assume this is due to the use of the words “curious” and “females” in the last sentence - first means I actually am curious to why is that and what stands behind it and want to better understand people, and second I had to use in contrast to males to demonstrate the similar situation causing two different reactions.

    I am genuinely out of the loop, and it’s just recently that I found a lot of opposition to the use of the word “female”. I want to know what is standing behind that, as I didn’t see the same reaction to the word “male”, which is constantly used, even once, nor do I personally see any problem with it as a male.

    I want people to stop assuming everyone is trying to hurt them and go on a full on crusade against people who are genuinely curious on what’s behind it or are unknowingly doing something offensive.

    Instead, I get yet another attack. If you are truly enlightened on the source of such reactions, I’d rather have you explain it to me, so I would know more on why is it exactly such a problem, and how massive it is.

    Referencing my tiny brain or my character isn’t gonna cut it, and by that you’ll keep people out of the loop and radicalized by such an attitude, which commonly leads to the effect opposite to what you’re trying to have.

    I will not suddenly change my understanding of the situation by people yelling and downvoting. I can come at the issue with empathy if people could explain the situation.

    I truly want to build bridges here and get to the bottom of the issue that started the conflict around the word in the first place.

  • Sometimes people just get along so well it seems magical, and they actually both fall for each other.

    This is rare, but it happens, and it’s something to treasure, something people are insanely happy and in love years into their marriages, still trying to believe their luck.

    And if you’re looking for the one, you may opt not to look for “hoes” or treating your partner like that.

  • You do you, and you may have any preferences to words you like and people who are allowed to touch your tits.

    I’m personally out of the loop on the entire “female debate”. Please do not assume everyone in the world knows everything about it perfectly well. (I’m not original commenter though, can’t comment on that).

    Do women find this term objectifying, like a female animal seen in biology primarily from a reproductive side or something? Does it feel like you’re not treated as a deep and complex human and minimized to a sex object?

    That’s what I can probably come up with as a first thought.

    Personally, I just use terms “male” and “female” where they normally traditionally fit within the language, and I use them for both men and women. I have never seen males reacting negatively to be called that, but I’ve seen many females triggered, which is curious to me.