Mind your business.
What is Woke? First, you must understand what it is, before you can say you disregard claims about it?
If only the US and EU had this to suppress the “Far Right”. Democracy would be protected.
Homelessness isn’t a crime. Misleading clickbait article. The obsession with abjection creates crimes that don’t exist. Blocked.
The King of Debt, Joe Biden, has record debt and record homelessness. Where is the money going to? It isn’t going to the homeless in his own country, because why would he care about that? He has better things to worry about in the world.
Diversity - there is no such thing as diversity because we have one god, one law, and one dominant culture. Diversity is a liberal delusion that tells a Hindu, a Muslim, a Pashtun, so, and so on, subliminally, and covertly, they are a liberal, and they must follow liberal ways. “Diversity” isn’t neutral. Why do you think the US spent 20 years in Afghanistan in military bases, shooting at people to spread DEI? Is that tolerance?
Harm Reduction: Providing clean drug paraphernalia for junkies and a safe area for them to shoot up or smoke up, making drug addiction almost consequence-free.
The whole point of why illicit drugs are banned is because it is a turning point that should not be allowed, because it is only bad, with no trade-offs, or benefits. This is why countries like Singapore fast track drug dealers to the gallows to protect their civilization. Strict laws like these are the principal reason why Singapore has no junkies on the street being preyed on by vultures for a quick buck. This is just more live, and let live drivel by leftist. I guess it’s cheaper and easier just to give them needles, because democrats can’t fix problems. Imagine if the Chinese decided to use “harm reduction” during the Opium Wars. Europeans destroyed Chinese society by exporting opium to China.
Non-binary - A person who can’t decide what they are, therefore, you shouldn’t either.
I have an easier way. None of those exists, we are all men. Women are just men with vaginas. I impose my reality over yours.
Trump isn’t a libertarian. You make false equivalencies of taxpayer roads versus economizing people to choose the best, low cost goods. EVs are not economical. Despite receiving huge subsidies, EVs lose money that only upper middle class and rich people can afford. Assuming you pay taxes, you are paying EV companies to build cars for upper middle class and rich people. Joe Biden and activist like him are unhinged. Libertarianism is sane in comparison. The EV mandates is more unhinged policies from unhinged people who think they can command physics. When California’s EV mandate kicks in, used ICE car prices are going through the roof, because EVs are too expensive, even with tax subsidies, and most Californians will be looking for used ICE vehicles. Such activist are economic illiterates and anti-physics.
EVs cost taxpayers 32 thousand dollars per vehicle. I don’t want to pay for someone else’s EV. Joe Biden is incompetent. He has no “real” economic advisor with credentials. Just his bro. There is a reason why we have free markets and not soviet style economics, because people like Joe Biden don’t know how things work, or even where he is at, or where he is supposed to be. Joe Biden’s 325 million dollar Gaza pier that floated away? There’s your GDP. If you are going to practice corporatism, at least do it right. Joe Biden can go kick the bucket.
The US should sanction Canada if they don’t put up a border wall. The reward is no sanctions and the Keystone Pipeline go-ahead.
This is not true. People don’t want kids. How many kids does Rihanna have? Jenny McCarthy, Pamela Anderson Lee, Jim Carey, and so on? Not that many compared to the amount of money they made, and it varies. Some people like kids, other people don’t. You are free to choose how many kids you want or don’t want. With contraceptives, and abortion, you can achieve that easily. Because women can choose a different lifestyle other than being a wife, who cares for the house, they can focus on other things, besides kids, because they have the opportunity, and expectation to do so. The role of the woman has changed from the rural lifestyle that took care of the home, and kids, to that of independent woman who supports herself. Other than inheritance, there is no economic reason to get married. It isn’t necessary to get married to thrive in an urbanized setting with job opportunity. This is exactly what happened to Chinese women, as China is the latest country to transition from a rural lifestyle to an urban one due to economic changes. Children were needed to operate the farms, so having many children, is like having more workers. Since individuals can be much more productive by investing into themselves, children are not necessary. They are in fact considered a hindrance, and to a free person, even a nuisance. No free daycare will fix that. Germany has subsidized daycare, and it is completely free for Germans with low incomes. Germany has ultra-low birth rates. Not just low, but ultra-low. Most children are accidents, not planned pregnancies. It makes no economic sense to say you need to pay someone else to take care of your family, when people did it for free. Mormons with polygamous lifestyles do it for free. It is a matter of priorities.
The people had no choice in the matter. They chose the lesser of the evils.
The reason for the birth decline is the change of the culture from both male and female working. The liberals and feminist convinced people that an ambitious woman does not need to beg her husband for money, instead they can just go to the workforce themselves, and become independent. The purpose of marriage is largely lost, and that is why marriage is coincidently lower, too. China, for example, use to have a dominant culture of the women only needing to marry a man, but since Chinese women are working too, they have no real need for a husband, and their career, and money become the priority. Work attachment is essential for increased wages. The longer a worker is attached to the work force, the higher the chance they take up better paying jobs. The culture has changed, plain, and simple. It has nothing to do with affordability or free daycare.
The perp is an illegal and the fact he politely left the scene to avoid responsibility. This has nothing to do with race and everything to do how this person is breaking the laws. Law & order is the conservative way. By US census, he would be considered white.
You just proved certain countries have laws regarding human rights. That is all. Saying that a death row inmate should not face execution because it is a criminal’s right to human life is an opinion. There is no rational basis for such reverence.
No, human rights don’t exist. It only exists in your head. Do Palestinians have human rights? If so, where are the acute sanctions on Israel? They don’t exist. Human rights have its origins in the Christian religion, which most of the developed world consists of Christianized people. You can go to any Western country today, and still see the Christian cathedrals and churches. The past shapes the future. It is Western countries who perpetuate this. Therefore, it is culturally contingent. Again, what is a human right? Freedom of speech, right to private property, right to money, right to healthcare, right to water, and food? You’re making a belief, and opinion, as if it is a real thing. You drew no lesson from 20 years occupation of Western powers in Afghanistan. Likewise, you don’t understand the world.
Well, Donald Trump is a Russian ally, according to liberals. Too bad, because he is the president, and he will run the world differently from Joe Biden. Or, at least try to.
Human rights don’t exist. The environment is there for humans to exploit; think about that when you drive over a paved road or when you eat food. The problem is, for the EU, is that Qatar like most countries don’t think human rights exists, so basically, the EU is taxing them over a made up concept. Who or what determines a human right? If the EU thinks that their values be attached to imports, then so be it. Business is business.
The US must be scared of China to be banning everything Chinese. They still have a long way to go.
You mean like Israel has leaders that are wanted by the ICC, and the US supports, and funds their government? FYI, the ICC is the International Criminal Court. How is it that the US can fund and support a leader who is accused of war crimes by international institutions? Where are the sanctions against these leaders? Calling people with facts unhinged shows you have a condescending attitude. It is a mark of your character. You think you can win an argument by exuding superiority, and yelling louder. Facts show the true state of things. I don’t bother with such people.
I can’t connect them to anything I’ve heard off the top of my head.
Funny you should say that. They want you to hear what they want you to hear. At least not presented as front page news. Why does the US occupy Syria and have control of its oil fields? Because it is a weak country, and the US can do those things because it is a powerful country. Don’t say it is because of terrorism, because of the irony. This is just one example of a pattern.
Democrat birth control.