For all the terrain printing I’ve done over the past 3 years, I’ve stuck to plain Overture PLA. In the Prusa printers I use, they’ve been the most reliable with almost no stringing.
For all the terrain printing I’ve done over the past 3 years, I’ve stuck to plain Overture PLA. In the Prusa printers I use, they’ve been the most reliable with almost no stringing.
I…didn’t say they were?
Exactly right. Image macros, demotivational posters, or whatever else they were called back then are now all memes.
Basically the same for me. Woke up, walked to the living room, recognized my mom as being, well, mom.
Yep! It’s a Targetin’ Squig. Gives him a little boost on his shoota, hitting on 4’s instead of 5’s.
Still no fix for the Mob Rule strat for Orks. :/
Would it be Lollapaloozork or Bonnarork?
I have! It’s just as good, but a little pricier and takes longer to get shipped to me.