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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 9th, 2023


  • You obviously don’t understand how it works. If you have a corrupt jusge and prosecutor, you can absolutely bring cases to court that doesn’t belong in court. They have the power to do so. The judge doesn’t have some boss standing over his shoulder telling him what he’s allowed to do or not do. They’ve got the power to just about anything they want. The judge can decide what evidence to allow and what evidence not to allow and right now, the judge doesn’t want the defense to allow an expert witness to testify and he has that power. The jury could decide in the end that Trumps not guilty and the judge even has the power to override the jury verdict and impose a sentence anyway. Sure, it’s not ethical, but he can certainly do it. The powers above him don’t come into play until the case is over and there is appeal made by the defense, and everything the judge did could be overturned. Our Justice system isn’t perfect at all and a judge having that much power is a big problem in my opinion and it largely goes unnoticed most of the time because like you, a lot people think that if it’s the court system it must be legit, but there’s more people waking up to it now that they’re using against political opponents so we’ll see if something changes down the road but as it stands a corrupt judge and prosecutor can destroy a completely innocent person with no problem

  • Anytime there’s a story with the slightest criticism of Biden (or Dems in general) I’ve noticed people just downvote the hell out of it, lol. Trump agreed to all of Bidens crazy demands just so he would have a chance to debate him even though CNN just happens to be network that was caught giving Hillary the heads up on the questions being asked during her debate with Trump. Hopefully it’ll be different this time but I’ve got my doubts