ComradeMikey [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 28th, 2020


  • honestly it sounds like everyone has a bone to pick and are looking for any reason to hate on it.

    in order to get that context you mentioned about the USSR you have to be as crazy invested as we are. the average person will read this equate trauma team to our current premium model and be like damn at least they have healthcare in X soc dem country IRL. Its a dystopian grim world fucked by capitalism and its made clear that the problem is capitalism and corporations. Just because there isn’t the USSR we wish or a socialist alternative doesn’t automatically make it reactionary? Most of the entries I read are horrific not praising of global capitalist dystopia.

    I don’t get the insistence to tear everything down instead of ride on the coat tails they set up for us. Just take the parts that are useful as metaphors and analogies and ditch the other stuff. I dont see how ripping everything into oblivion is beneficial to anyone.

    I know it seems like Im defending everything about the game like those twitter weirdos but i genuinely don’t understand the hate. I love the tabletop lore as gruesome as it is and I am really seeing how its been implemented fairly faithfully