Dyno [he/him]

  • Inmate of the TERF Island Megaprison
  • Abrasively communistic
  • You have nothing to lose but your gains
  • 2 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2020


  • there is no broad left-wing party is the issue. the greens are lukewarm socialists/socdems, the NIP is socialist but small and regionalist, the worker’s party is just galloway being a careerist, all the communist parties have issues with racism/homophobia/transphobia/revisionism and no MP could survive the media while running as a communist anyway etc.
    I may be biased as an anarchist but socialist independents seem to be the way to go for britain, given that every attempt at a socialist party invariably is usurped from within or sabotaged in the media - it’s harder for the MSM to sabotage hundreds of independent candidates rather than a single bloc, and voters tend to like independents for whatever reason - perhaps as an alternative to the westminster duopoly regardless of politics

  • was just thinking about it the other day - it is very much a lib’s interpretation of radicalism/anarchism/revolution, in that it’s portrayed as being ultimately ineffective and driven by great men rather than a mass movement; and is focused on optics rather than actual praxis, e.g. hacking the banks and ‘deleting’ public debt rather than redistributing wealth, forcing the corporate exec to burn a big pile of money rather than put it to use etc.

  • the character creation is kinda superfluous at this point, you can spend loads of time naming them, making a coat of arms etc. but in my experience it never comes up anywhere, nor does your leader character. there’s no real plot or politics to speak of, it’s just a medieval city simulator. there are some policies you can enact but the only impact is just ‘raise taxes = people sad’ and the like. maybe in future more stuff will be added but at the moment it’s not got anything i would consider problematic
    there are already mods to change things like character avatars so you could potentially just make whatever character portrait you like and put that in the game