EelBolshevikism [none/use name]

  • 9 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 16th, 2024


  • quilt primarily split because the other modloaders are made by bigots. this is why doctor4t decided to only use Quilt, because Fabric has weird transphobes on it as far as I remember and the forge team is just full of weirdos. Doctor4t says this explicitly on the Effective mod page. plus quilt is literally compatible with 99% of fabric mods so it’s kind of pointless to get up in arms about it. i’ve used primarily quilt for modding as of recent and have found exactly 1 incompatible mod, which isn’t even really incompatible, seems to just be a side effect of quilt waiting for 1.21 to start updating and patching it

    also the forge/fabric split was somewhat justified too. fabric is comically less bloated and boots way faster than any forge setup. lexmanos is generally an asshole (and bigot afaik) hence NeoForge, and that isn’t really shaping up to be much of a split because pretty much everyone seems to just accept NeoForge as the new forge now.

    also the reason people say not to ask for forge ports is because they’re doing this stuff in their free time and it takes fucking ages to port something to an entirely new platform

  • I’m convinced it’s either an example of an outright scammer, in which case we’re trying to make it all about personal responsibility for no reason when the actual problem is we got scammed. Or it’s an example of something else going on we don’t know about. Because like you said, randomly blowing 4000$ on basically anything I can think of is extremely difficult. Especially because of the amount.

    Only thing I can think of that wouldn’t result in SOMETHING at least a LITTLE helpful to their situation (like a car or products they could resell or just use) would be gambling, and that’s its own kind of addiction. But because there’s no mention of gambling or gambling addiction (something I really hope people would sympathize with), it feels really likely they’re just a scammer who appears to also be a bigot, and this seems like a classic example of people compromising their beliefs and practices because they think they can “get ahead” of a troll or scammer by doing so. A good secondary example of stuff like this is when people assume someone with neopronouns is a troll, and when someone actually is a troll using neopronouns, they point to it as proof of their assumptions all along. When the best option is actually to just ban them or, possible in this case, pursue outright legal action if they truly are just a scammer who doesn’t need any of this money and is funneling it off somewhere.

  • I don’t think anyone is genuinely thinking or saying that in a smug tone (except tbf maybe this specific incident because it appears they’re also a bigot and possibly a scammer). Anyone spending hundreds on DoorDash because they actually want to, and not as some sort of weird scammer power play, is probably either not thinking through their financial decisions entirely or has some other reason to do so that isn’t malicious or even purposely dismissive of the people that donated to them.

  • Wtf why would you assume that

    Disliking how a site treats what they assume to be a normal homeless person, but alsp disliking that homeless person for being a bigot after they reveal themselves to be one, is a completely reasonable position from my perspective.

    Why would you even assume I’m trying to defend her bigotry? What the fuck are you even trying to imply, where is this jump coming from

    I genuinely didn’t even know she was a bigot until you mentioned it here, I checked out very early in the Rachel events it seems

  • Sorry, yeah, it’s an accusatory tone in my comment, though I don’t mean it at you. I don’t necessarily think YOU’RE saying anything bad or trying to be bad-faith at all. I’m trying to explain why I don’t like the idea of people being allowed to criticize posters in this comm, even for benign things or for good reasons. It isn’t you who is “JAQing off” in my metaphor, it’s some theoretically future person doing it with the lack of a rule as pretext to do so

    You did not say it but plenty of people have who are not you and are likely to in the future (I wasn’t directing at you with my mocking either. You literally didn’t say anything close to it; Others have though and I saw it as an opportunity to make fun of them)