• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2023


  • Ik sta niet vaak aan de kant van het bedrijfsleven, en het moet natuurlijk goed onder de loep genomen worden, maar het klopt absoluut. Bijna iedereen wil meer, sneller internet. Bijna iedereen wil meer, goedkopere en groenere energie. Dan kan je niet niet al te kritisch zijn over “horizonvervuiling”. Waar je wel kritisch naar moet kijken is watergebruik etc. maar dat moet sowieso, met of zonder datacentrum. En zoals in dit artikel aangegeven zijn er veel grotere boosdoeners op dat gebied.

  • Let me preface this by saying I am 100% opposed to the way the war is currently being fought by Israel and it should be brought to a complete ceasefire today if not already months ago. I am in no way on Israel’s side in this in any way.

    This article is bullshit. This person attributes this horrible phrase to “THE WESTERN PRESS” which is absolute idiocy. It’s a single opinion piece in one online magazine that uses this phrase. Is the author reprehensible? I would say yes. Does he represent all Western media? Of course not. Jesus Christ.

    If you’re propagating this nonsense you are part of the problem.

    “I think Israel is doing bad things” answer: “Oh so you’re an anti semite and you love Hitler?” or “I think Hamas’ actions were bad” answer: “Oh so you want to ethnically cleanse Palestine and give it to the Jews?”

    One person makes a reprehensible statement and immediately all of “Western Press” is evil. Absolutely ridiculous.

  • This one paid off. Read the interviews given by mr Arbaugh. Musk is an ego-driven maniac, you won’t get any argument from me. But as a result a bunch of scientists got more funding than they normally would for this project that gave great joy and some measure of independence to a young quadriplegic, maybe with more to follow.

    You want to hate on Musk? I’ll happily join you. But if you’re one of those assholes rooting against these doctors and scientists doing ground breaking work with Musk’s money, that’s a pretty terrible take.

  • No one said that here. You’re just reducing the conversation to an idiotic meme, just like the two “representatives” in this case are doing. Just shouting bullshit at each other and thinking that makes you smarter because you got the last word. Well newsflash, this doesn’t solve anything. It just strokes your own goddamn stupid ego “my zinger was better than hers” which is absolute moronic stupidity.

    Yes, Biden is better than Trump. But both sides do seem absolutely intent on a race to the bottom and we’re gleefully cheering on our side to get there first. No one is trying to be the better person. Obama kind of did and we flamed him to hell for trying, he was too civil and tried too much to compromise, right? Beating the republicans at their own game is never going to happen. Just by getting us to play their game they win.