• 45 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Fizz@lemmy.nztoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWell?
    22 hours ago

    From isreals point of view they are fighting a “just war” (oxymoron yes I know) and are free to complete their war aims of destroying hamas. The rest of the world isn’t standing in the way of Isreal so they aren’t forced to give up much more than some PR.

    If you knew anything about history you would know why the Palestinian situation continues getting worse and why they are constantly in wars. It’s definitely as much Palestinians blocking peace as Isreal.

    Every single time a ceaswfire deal gets close hamas changes the deal at the last minute to something they know is unreasonable thereby taking negotiations back to step 1. If Palestinians wanted peace they would target hamas and not Isreal. They aren’t going to defeat Isreal. The only thing standing In the way of a ceasefire is the gazan “government” and the Palestinian support for them. So we can rephrase that as the only thing in the way of peace is the Palestinians living in Gaza.

    If a ceasefire deal isn’t reached it won’t be Isrealis dying it won’t be Isreal losing land. The only people getting hurt are the Palestinians. I guess the Palestinians know thay they can just wait for the fighting to end and the rest of the world will come rebuild their cities and give them food, water and when have recovered they can go right back to attacking Isreal.

  • Fizz@lemmy.nztoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldWell?
    2 days ago

    Since you say they had no choice but to defend themselves violently pre October 7 then Isreal loses nothing by destroying gaza because they were already radicalized and already had a justification for war. So Isreal should take the opportunity oct7 provided to destroy all their military capabilities.

    Palestinians have to realize that their situation isn’t getting better when they “violently defend themselves” the only way to improve their situation is through diplomacy amwhich requires making concessions to reach a deal.

  • Rts is great but many people nowadays don’t touch the genre and the people that play it are spread out across every rts game that ever existed. TA still has a community and it came out in 1997.

    I’ve always played rts games extremely casually never playing single player but never playing 1v1 ranked. When you’re bad the games take so much longer and start slower. So it’s litterally a more boring game until you get good.

    Playing beyond all reason and playing 1v1s for the first time has forced me to drop my noob habits and actually play rts properly. Its intense having to manage your raiding units while expanding while protecting that expansion while scouting while keeping your base safe and growing. But it’s so rewarding when you win.

    Now I see newer players and what they have to go through I understand why so many quit. They join a lobby called “all welcome” then get kicked because no one wants the noob on their team. They get flamed. People run circles around them in game and attack before they have a single unit out. Rts is hard to learn but so fun once you have the basics down and can actually start developing strategies and reacting to your opponents in real time. Idk even know what I’m trying to say here I just woke up.