I am having a tidy up of Communities/etc so quite a few will go. There’ll be some warning, but it will be done before August.
Not sure I am an average person (not in a bragging way – literally don’t know if this is average or not) but I think most of our company worked from home for about eighteen months, give or take.
This was in the UK, so maybe we had different rules and coverage.
Tweets from the lockdown. (My version of random radio broadcasts).
That would be unfortunate.
Especially if you are in public. I mean – imagine explaining it to the bomb squad!!
“It just came out of my bum…”
We were, but we went a little bit off topic.
Also I thought gorillas were apes?
So well up on current events I see :)
Also my mass is quite low compared to my volume.
So I could have something in common with you?
I think I can do better than that :)
You know what?
There are 2 million fewer smokers in the past 17 years (since the ban was introduced) – a trend that looks like it is going to continue, and an estimated 1500 fewer heart attacks due to smoking and second hand smoke exposure per year, along with tens of thousands of other deaths due to smoking and second hand smoke exposure per year.
Compared to the death of one fucking monkey – I am pretty happy saying it has been a success.
Also he is (or was) a monkey in an American zoo and since I live in the UK, why should I give a shit?
He nearly killed a kid. He got what was coming to him.
That does sound sweet, and nice, but as someone who attended and still attends indoor weddings with a heart condition and occasional breathing issues…
You see where I am going about not missing it at all, right?
I like how people reminisce about the time they could smoke in pubs, and in restaurants, and clubs, and so on, but as someone who has had major health conditions their entire life and avoided pubs and clubs for that reason and sometimes had to leave restaurants because of it…
Like I said – 1997 was a very, very good year.
Did you ever see the next to last episode of Good Omens…
Apparently I was today years old.
Although (in my limited defence) I am not sure I have ever actually used to that word or written that word down.
When I was a kid I was in the school band, and for one or two of our performances at Christmas we actually had to go out of our way to ask the people we were playing for not to smoke during the performances.
AND WE WERE SECONDARY SCHOOL KIDS!!! (11 - 16) I mean for the love of god we were children, and musicians at that, and still adults thought it was fine to smoke in front of us., in enclosed rooms.
Pubs were also whining a lot about how they would be on the breadline before the year was out.
Don’t know what it’s like round your way, but the pubs in my town are still pretty busy.
This is the hill I am going to plant my flag on and die on. (a)
(a) – unless it’s too cold, then I am going to wait for summer to plant my flag. I mean – I am committed to this and all but I am not stupid enough to do it in winter. Plus we are about to get hit with Storm Eowyn over here and I’m buggered if I am staying outside during that – Winds of 100 miles an hour?? My flag would blow away!!! I’m staying inside until it’s done with then maybe I will plant my flag and die on this hill.
But yes – I will plant my flag and die on this hill once we have nice weather :)
At least I know now :)
Still weird.
Why are they called bangs?
(Sorry – I’m from the UK and I have literally never understood why they are called bangs. This seemed like a good time to ask).
People shouldn’t make Hitler jokes. That sort of thing makes me Fuhrious.
Weird thing is 36 is hot, even though (as I said) it’s normal body temperature.
Normal temperature – comfortable outside – is usually somewhere between 15 and 22 (adjust for personal taste, obviously).
So I have been using tumblr forever (well – for quite a while) but I really haven’t paid attention to what is going on behind the scenes.
I was quite active around opposing the porn ban and the nudity ban and so on (not because I am a fan of porn or nudity – I mean I am, but mostly because I am more of a fan of free speech on tumblr, but that’s not my point) but as for the backend stuff (not a metaphor in this case!) like yahoo and the fediverse and wattpad and so on… I have no idea what any of this would mean.
So if some nice person could give me a summary I would be very grateful, because it does seem to be a topic that ignites some passion and if tumblr is about to crash and burn I’d like to get some advanced warning.