Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]

I’m a solo indie dev and I made a whole-ass indie RPG! Please check it out, and tell me what you think!

  • 22 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2021


  • I remember talking with my ex about him, I remember her saying “I used to be very interested in what he had to share, but when he started going after Hillary I thought, wait a minute… who’s side are you on?” I’ll never forget the way she said that. Like, this dude is exposing grotesque violations of human lives, but he dared to cast a stain on the golden goddess Hillary Clinton, so it’s actually cool and good that he should rot in prison forever.

    Also had an argument with this ex where I brought her to the jaw-dropping admission that she believed Cuba should surrender to the US’s siege and give up their right to self-determination, purely because it would mean the people of Cuba would theoretically suffer less under the rule of the empire whose boot is currently upon their throat.

  • Accidentally went to r/all today on reddit-logo and this thread from a sub I hadn’t seen since I’d mostly left that fed-to-public umbilical of a website called “BoomersBeingFools” and it really instilled in me just how toxic, shitty, and privileged redditors are all over again. The way they stereotype other people, the way they band together to circlejerk about how funny and cool it is to put someone down based purely on preconceived notions that the one who brought them up presented, the way they assume that everyone is of the same financial privilege as they are… it’s disgusting to me, on a fundamental level.

    Reading commenters joking and downplaying the worth of their “starter homes” when you live in a room attached to a garage and struggle to keep more than $200 in your bank account proletariat