GrouchyGrouse [he/him]

  • 21 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2020


  • She’s a really bizarre person in general. Off-putting. Insincere. The right wing is notorious for their projection but it’s a trait all liberals possess and that includes the “left” wing “Democratic Party” liberals as well. They projected onto Hillary and acted like deep down she had some sort of mundane normalcy within her, like imagining she wakes up and makes a slice of toast for breakfast just like they do. But that isn’t who she is and regular people could see that. They could see the mask. It’s an instinctual feeling. Like picking up an empty box that’s labeled “full” and still being compelled to give it a shake. Like dropping a stone down a well and never hearing a splash. Something just felt “off.” She pushed her authentic self so far down it fell out the bottom. Like an identity thief who forgot her real name. A highly curated life stacked together so she could become a thing that she never got to be.