HarryLime [any]

  • 1.37K Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 27th, 2020


  • Fr do you even know how the EC works?

    awwww geeeez nooooo what even is that i have no idea gosh im so uninfofrned

    I can’t believe I’m being talked down to about politics from someone who seriously just talked about fucking Bernie like this is /r/chapotraphouse in 2018. Centrist lib wine moms are the nixonian silent majority now and we have eight years worth of election results to confirm this. Are you not even aware that Biden has actually had an advantage in the electoral college over Trump because of Dobbs, and his losing the popular vote while winning the EC has looked likely for months? Having someone, literally anyone at the top of the democratic ticket who is not eighty years old would only strengthen that advantage, especially a woman who’s much younger than Trump and can constantly hit him on Roe/Dobbs.