Infamousblt [any]

Bit idea: DM me your bit idea

  • 164 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: October 1st, 2020


  • Depends on where you are. In my city, yes, technically if they didn’t give me any notice that the rent was changing and the lease said that then I would be legally allowed to live rent free until they gave me notice, and the time required to give me notice would depend on how long I lived there. Rent stuff is always a huge huge “it depends.” Even if the law was on your side they would probably sue you for the back rent and then you’d have to go to court or automatically lose. And even then I could see plenty of asshole judges going “clearly they didn’t mean that” and ruling in their favor anyway.

  • I have one of these in my area except it’s for Vietnamese immigrants. And yep. It provides language classes, job help services, financial planning, childcare, housing services, help navigating the systems and services of my city, etc. Its completely normal and I know that it’s one of the first stops for many immigrants and / or refugees as they get acquainted to a new place.

    There’s nothing secret about it. If anything it helps people assimilate into their neighborhood. Ridiculous that people think that somehow helping immigrants get comfortable with a new country is somehow a fucking evil plot.

  • “Getting someone to stop using” shouldn’t be the goal of anyone here looking to do mutual aid online. There are specialized services that help with that and if you want to help people stop using go work with or volunteer at those services.

    The goal here should be to keep people alive long enough to make the choice for themselves to seek the help they need. Assuming they even have access to those services, which many unhoused folks with addictions do not or cannot access those services for various reasons.

    You aren’t going to get someone to stop an addiction by posting at them. All you can do is help them stay alive long enough to hopefully choose to find help