KhanCipher [none/use name]

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 29th, 2020


  • i think some of the battletech lore clashes with the high tech clean angular aesthetic of the technology in battletech

    Welcome to the mess that is BT’s version of grimdark, it so desperately wants to be grimdark like it’s more successful brother in 40k, but it falls over and explodes half way through the race because the guys at FASA came up with a setting with the intent on being very grounded first, and had to spend a lot of time trying to justify how the universe ended up the way it did by way of indirectly giving the roman empire a reach around. Which yeah, so much of the universe’s premise is pretty much revolves around the fall of the space roman empire (The Star League) causing the universe to go to shit.

    like the mechs are ancient and passed down through generations in some cases with the original plans and factories lost forever

    A lot of people who write overall setting lore for the Battletech universe don’t exactly know how mass production or logistics work, so much that one of the very first retcons was introducing “limited” battlemech production still happening throughout the succession wars. Another fun one that was quickly redacted, was the quoted number of jumpships (the FTL transportation for the universe) being at around 5,000-6,000, except that fell apart as the Invader-class jumpship (most common jumpship) with all it’s docking ports filled with Mule-class dropships (most common cargo hauler dropship) had the effective cargo capacity of one normal 21st century blue water container ship. There is no way that only 5-6k jumpships was ferrying all that cargo for all the populated planets that is pushing 7 or 6 digits in total, a lot of those worlds being just as or close enough populated as Terra is.

  • (i’m looking at you, mechwarrior series with your 900m max range ‘’‘long-range missiles’‘’)

    Okay so a lot of the ranges come from Battletech, and the weapon ranges there in BT are mostly just for ‘balance’ reasons. Though it gets better, the in-universe reason why the weapon ranges are the way they are is because the battlemechs (and tanks, and everything else) have so much EW equipment as standard that it makes combat from out farther than the normal ranges a crapshoot, and pretty much the only people who can shoot out farther than normal ranges are typically named characters who are 0/0 gods amongst men (the typical mech/aero pilot is 4/5, 3/4 if they’re a clanner, the lower the numbers, the better.). Though a lot of the novels stretch out what is standard range for the sake of better writing.

  • Do teachers who do this really think it discourages the disruptive kid

    The key thing here is that this isn’t designed to directly discourage the kid, the purpose of doing this is to get the other kids to let’s say do some creative persuasion techniques to not do that again. You might recognize this as one of the stereotypical methods that a military would do when dealing with problem soldier, punish the whole unit/squad instead of the single soldier.

  • Infinity was also when Bamco decided to go all in on f2p games, which resulted in such games as Ridge Racer Unbound, and I don’t remember all of them. All I remember is this giving bamco the reputation of being even more money grubbing than either EA or Activision infamously was, which somehow Bamco kept on being incredibly money grubbing which may be the reason a simple ass frame data thing for T7 was a paid dlc.

  • It does have flaws, it plays like an action game masquerading as mech game. Yes, when I play a mech game I want tank controls to be the only control scheme. I wanted the mech game roots with AC6 god damnit, I don’t want to have to keep relying on PGI to keep making mechwarrior titles because that seems to be the only place I can get the mech game feel (beyond playing the older mechwarrior and armored core titles again which I’ve done so again and again.)

    Don’t get me wrong here, as an action game it’s simply okay nothing ground breaking. But if judged as a mech game, AC6 is pretty far down in the dredges of awfulness.

  • I also forgot something else, during this time in trek there were some let’s say very interesting interpretations of the prime directive. So if the federation and Starfleet knew about the cardassian’s brutal occupation of Bajor before Wolf-359 even happened, I wouldn’t be surprised one bit if they publicly took issue with it and privately didn’t do much because it would be “messing with an internal matter of another nation”. Which is one of the things the PD prohibits doing.

    Edit: Good god do I want to go on a rant at how useless the prime directive is on a morality level.