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  • 665 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • Well duh of course it is considering that almost everything after 2017 is trash as far as media goes. And no, it isn’t the same as the previous ‘‘this generation bad because PHONES/COMPUTERS BAD!!’’. We had phones since like 4th grade and computers since we became sentient and were normal, it’s not about that, this is legitimate brainrot, I mean just look at the stuff they’re consuming. I always cringe when I see my younger cousins.

    And, holy hell she has a badass outfit!

  • Well South Ossetia was already supposed to be annexed just last year and they just postponed the referendum and Medvedev said that it will happen. Meanwhile I don’t know about that since Georgia was always unstable like Moldova and Azerbaijan, being puppet for too long and doing literally the same thing as Ukraine before it was stopped. And there is not a semblance of socialism like there’s in Belarus, just conservative anti-communist capitalist puppet, not as bad as Baltics or Ukraine post 2014, but pretty bad.

  • They’re the worst thing ever, first you literally cannot live without adblock on YouTube or anywhere else, and second it can be anything, almost every time you open some site, it’s basically guaranteed for 5+ random shit to start poping up all over the screen, it can be either of these: question to allow ads, if you want to subscribe for this and that, to allow info access or not, notifications, and then you have to turn off 5+ random shit before you actually see what you wanted to see on that page, like can they just piss off!?