[She/They] A quiet, nerdy arctic fox who never knows what to put in the Bio section.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I was raised by these people. We read the Bible every day, and the family had weekly study sessions where we would all read a portion together and discuss it. We definitely went through the entire thing.

    The problem is not that they don’t read the Bible. The problem is that they have developed an obscurantist interpretational framework which allows them to ignore the plain meaning of the text and twist it to conform with their ideology.

  • “oh that’s from the old testament, and Jesus did away with all of that.”

    Except for the one little verse that says gay people are bad. That part of the Old Testament still applies somehow because reasons.

    I’m also always amused at the concept of a perfect infallible being not getting it right the first time and having to push out the revised new testament.

    I think the intended idea here is that God is guiding humanity like a parent raises their children and you need different rules for different stages of development, but that would mean growth and change are actually good things and the Fundies really don’t like that.

  • I am plural myself and have been since at least as far back as my early teens. Many of the people I know are also plural, at least one of whom has full-blown DID. I speak of these things from direct experience. It has nothing to do with government psyops or alien experimentation, and it was the Evangelical Christians who abused me, not the mysterious black-robed Satanists they kept making up stories about.

  • I suggest you read up on dissociative disorders. “Multiple personalities” is absolutely a thing, it just doesn’t match the sensationalized portrayals found in popular media. These disorders (and non-pathological plurality as well) can feature “repressed memories” in the sense that members of a system may not have access to memories that are held by other members. In fact, the experience of “lost time” is a common indicator of plurality.

    The fact that memories can be falsely implanted, and often were during a particular period of media-induced mass panic, is not proof that memories can’t also be repressed.

  • First, I would move into my own place so I don’t have to deal with the constant stress of conforming to the expectations of my bigoted family members. Then, for a while, I would probably do nothing. I’m burnt out and have a lifetime of shit to process and heal from. I need time to pick up all the parts of myself that the world has forced me to throw away.

    Eventually, when I’ve gotten a little better, I’ll probably start wanting to accomplish things again. Nothing so ambitious as the dreams I used to have, but they were probably unrealistic anyway. And with my basic needs covered, I would be free to do what I find important and fulfilling instead of spending all my time making line go up for some asshole billionaire.

    I’ve always wanted to write stories. I used to draw and paint, a long time ago before the depression got really bad. I’m starting to learn 3D modeling and gamedev, and it would be nice to do that just because I want to, not because I’m unable to work a regular job and am flailing for a way to pay the bills.

    Maybe I would just organize get-togethers with my friends where we play tabletop games and eat food I cooked for them using produce from a little garden I made.

    There’s no shortage of things to do if I’m free to pursue them.