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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • First, I don’t accept that it can’t work, there are still holders of power in Haitian society, and if you get them to negotiate and agree to a peace then it will happen.

    But even more importantly, having order imposed by force by hostile foreign governments is no more guaranteed to improve the lives of Haitians, and it could make things much, much worse. A real solution for Haiti needs to come from and be supported by the people. We’ve had a series of US imposed foreign puppets for about a century, and the current situation is the direct result of this failed policy. This medicine is already killing the patient, applying more won’t help.

  • The whole framing of this conflict as a “gang” issue is very problematic in my view, since these warring factions are more of competing political actors seeking to control the country. While they may or may not be engaged in traditional criminal activity, their primary goals are political, not merely economic as with typical organized crime. Yet there has been essentially no attempt to explain who the various factions are and what their goals are. They are just described as gangs that are going on killing sprees for no reason (with an unspoken implication that Haitians are just violent savages). From my limited research on the topic, this is highly inaccurate.

    That said, I really am not too knowledgeable about the situation there which is why I was hoping someone from outside of the US media ecosystem could share some real knowledge.

  • I am very concerned about the situation in Haiti and the global public seems to have a very poor understanding of the situation. Media coverage of the crisis there has been very biased and superficial. This concerns me because the powers that be may not have Haitians’ best interests at heart and without public oversight these military solutions could end up creating further problems.

    If anyone here lives in Haiti I would be very interested to hear any knowledge they could share of what is really happening and how they think it can be solved.

  • I am somewhat undecided about this action. It gets people talking (as we’re doing now) but it may also risk turning people away from the cause, especially those who are only casually interested or aware of the facts or issues.

    But my point was your suggestion that everyone is already aware of climate change is absurd. Especially the follow up that no one can do anything about it. Sure, they’ve heard of it, but everyone is continuing to behave as if it doesn’t exist. There needs to be much greater awareness, discussion, and then action on this topic, and until such time we will need to do disruptive things to get people’s attention. I do prefer to disrupt the people most responsible, personally.

  • Whiteness is a social construct so it can be defined in any arbitrary way. Some consider Jews to be white today, though historically they were not considered so, and many white-supremacists today do not consider them white.

    In terms of skin tone it would depend on the geographic origin of a person’s ancestors, as with virtually all humans. Jews from Northern Europe tend to have similar skin tone as other people of European ancestry, while those from the Middle East or North Africa are similar to other people from those regions.

    But remember that skin tone isn’t really what people mean when they say white. In my social circles there are black people with paler skin than some white people, yet no one questions who belongs with which “race”.

  • Just wear non-woven gloves (I usually use rubber), cut the fruit open, scoop out the seeds, and then scoop the flesh from the skin. The glochids are all in the skin so this method works perfectly.

    First time I used gloves that were fabric and I got poked every time I put them on from that point on.

    The newly sprouted pads are also quite tasty but a bit more difficult to prepare so I’d start with the fruit.