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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • So admittedly, during my entire onboarding process they mostly focused on the ability to get an education paid for through the company. You only need to stay an extra amount of time if you go that route or something similar. Buuuuuut.

    When you look at people who have been there more than the 2-3 year mark. There are a lot of people there who genuinely feel like it’s the closest they can be to helping the “war fighter come home safely”. We had many meetings and slogans involving this. They are so fanatical, I actually almost got fired once for tilting a framed photo of a soldier once in a hallway. Anyone that is salary either is waiting to get a better job/pay or genuinely loves the military industrial complex. Also they tend to hire veterans a lot. They will adjust job requirements for veterans. Know a vet with a FORESTRY degree that ended up in engineering. The military experience is usually a substitute for formal education, its listed on a lot of the job position postings. This kinda helps reinforce the amount of pro military people who hang around.

    Hope this helps give insight and makes sense.

  • It actually is surprising how much the industry can end up growing doubt into the illusion they brainwash you with. I had my awakening while working there. Yeah a job is a job and with a family their livelihood comes before my pride. But there is a union, so worker solidarity and spreading awareness when applicable can help bridge the gap.

    Sorry for late response. I’m still working on my education now actually, I worked as only a electronic assembler I was never there for a career, just needed money. In fact quite a lot of people get there education and leave there due to the nature of the work making a sizeable portion of people uneasy. My sympathies for anyone who has to swallow their morals or pride and just get the job done for the paycheck, all while hoping for better days

  • I grew up late to the early internet days as I am just about as old as google itself. However, even in my time I remember light saber mouse cursors, neo colored backgrounds, the stupid but adorable fairy animations all over myspace, and websites auto playing Queen songs. There was character that we put it as a community.

    While I may not be the biggest fan of the flat design of the lemmy website and how clinical it all seems, the FOSS nature leads to so much customization with apps and so forth while the content y’all produce is absolutely magical. If I see an ad I know it’s cause one of you have something unique to actually show off and it’s not just bots pushing me to open my wallet. Thank you, you lovely bunch of adorable dufuses.

  • Its reddit community used to be a more accepting leftist space with a lot of queer humor. But over time the Libs slowly got worse. I remember when I first joined it felt like it was run by actual leftists (mostly baby leftists and anarkiddies but still) The first “kick tankies of of r/196” wasn’t as well received as this one…

    So when Ukraine war broke out they got… So much worse. I have no hope for the instance tbh and am glad they banned me, if only for 3 days as apparently I’m only a borderline tankie lmao. We have our own 196 which is much better tbh.___

  • With the mass of redditors leaving Reddit it’s no surprise that the federation map has so much red around us. I only hope lemmy.world keeps us federated because they feel very much like the link between worlds for me. The users are a mixed bag and full of “RED FASH” libs, but having a community that is large and can decide for themselves by visiting and observing us/our users is much better than this de-fed stuff. Much more in the spirit of FOSS and etc also.

  • There is nothing about the core ideology of Marxism Leninism that is opposed to queer rights. Actually there are a lot of queer people in the community at large who are communist and findable on YouTube or Lemmy. I’m one of them.

    I’m not here to teach everything and I trust you know enough to be able to look up more as you wish. If you want an example of an ML nation that is pro queer look up the Cuba Family Code changes made recently. They’re among the most progressive in the world and help to guarente rights for trans people, lgbt, and more. Additionally China has a large trans healthcare clinic first of its kind recently opened in Beijing and a well known trans TV host. Vietnam also has a vibrant lgbt community and even in North Korea homosexuality and cross dressing to my research are not criminalized despite lacking public interest/support.

    The days of old are over and new communist nations can and are doing better to ditch reactionary tendencies especially around queer rights.

  • I get you’re trying to make a big point here about China, but within the last 3 years they opened a multidisciplinary trans healthcare clinic in Beijing and additionally a well known TV host in the country is transgender and this is easily findable even within US new sources. It may still not be culturally fully accepted but I don’t see how the government is doing anything against us when they’re literally opening trans healthcare clinics. Hell there were trans expat teachers who used to move to China for teaching before the changes in education laws for expat teacher licensing.

  • To be expected considering just how bad r/196 was getting. I think despite being what seemed 50% trans (part of the reason I as a transperson was on there) the community flocked to constantly defend vaush to the point I started realizing the community was universally starting to either have r/vaush overlap or r/tankjerk overlap very commonly.

    After all the “kick tankies out of r/196” did come up months back on r/196. The rapidly growing amount of Vaushites(muh anarcho-natoism) and fascists blatantly joining without protest started positioning the well so bad I started avoiding it. They’re going down the slippery sloop so fast I expect them to defederate by July, shame as it could of brought back what r/196 used to be before the brainrot.

  • I think there was an additional fuel added to the metaphorical fire that is “hacker” demographics. When crypto came to the mainstream wearing shades and a leather jacket with the letters NFT stitched on we saw a bunch of people getting into “tech” and the general community by either following Elon and other tech bros or going after a profit through Crypto (and most shitcoins at that).

    Utterly horrible, and even when they’re not ultraright single digit IQ head bobbers, then they most likely are then a damn anarkiddy(if not an ancap) and at that point if someone tells me about tech news, computer builds, or programming I’m gonna to assume they’re anti-left until proven otherwise.

  • People get mad at “tankies” (communists who aren’t blanketly anti-authoritarian and support AES nations who have Proletarian authoritarianism/DOTP(to a degree at least)) for one of two things, either imagined points they may have based upon either hyperbole, edge cases, or assumptions. Or the other reason is they challenge the world view of “anti-authoritarian” community members who then decry they should be removed… via authoritarianism.

    Showing it’s ok when the “leftists/anarchists/liberals” do the authoritarianism for when their feelings are hurt but magically are supposedly anti-authoritarianism elsewhere. It’s all aesthetics and working off of your propagandized experiences and assumptions. You can personally block people/communities you dislike if your worldview is that fragile, or (as you’re advocating for) engage in what you decry and remove every opinion that challenges yours. This isn’t like yelling wolf for seeing nazis, nobody is actively calling for genocide or erasure around here and if they are advocating it then yes that can be problematic. It’s made all the worse by taking lies like (all tankies support putin unconditionally) and running with it till the birds come home to roost.

    Interestingly the “Tankies” all haven’t defederated from LGBT or other diverse communities(despite being claimed to be just like the nazis) nor have they actively advocated to silence entire communities based upon differing worldviews. It’s good we’re growing, we can expand the scope of what we see or we can be in denial of anything that changes their worldview like a bunch of children who are being told Santa isn’t real! C’mon people, get real this is FOSS and we can do better than to do a bunch of infighting, this isn’t reddit anymore, we’re supposed to be a community(federation) here.