ObamaSama [he/him]

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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • Damn I wish, I’d be all over the pretentious introvert app. I totally understand you though, I’ve been hitting a wall of meeting really beautiful, fun people that I don’t have any interest in because we don’t actually talk. A physical connection can only go so far before things fizzle out. I mean it’s not like language doesn’t have its own inherent limitations that prevent you from truly connecting with someone but fuck it’s the best thing we have.

    You identified the unfortunate root of the problem: people that will talk your ear off about Lacan are probably not going to be out clubbing every weekend. Dating apps are realistically one of the only ways but it’s still so hard to find like minded people there. I really wish I had a solution for ya, still trying to figure that one out myself. Try not to chalk it up as a personal failure though, being single is absolutely fine! It’s hard to do but the more you put yourself out there and open yourself to new experiences the better your odds will be. You can occasionally get lucky and meet the coolest person in your life at a temple stay deep in some Korean mountains but it never lasts 😭

  • I have consistently run into people that are generally cool but will bring up some WILD anti China propaganda like “ghost cities” and say with absolute certainty that their economy is actively collapsing. I try to temper myself and not get too angry at them personally when this kind of blatant propaganda and is pushed to the top of their feeds constantly. It’s pathetic to see how easy it is to manipulate public opinion and how seemingly nobody learns from the countless historical examples of manufacturing consent to support imperialist interests

  • After bouncing around between dozens of different jobs in my “professional” career all I can say is that you should never settle for a job you hate. It doesn’t matter how well you’re paid if you’re absolutely miserable, that misery will permeate all other aspects of your life and crush you. If you’re dancing on the knife’s edge of precarity it can make sense to take a bad job short term but do NOT settle, apply for other positions on the clock. My previous job was absolute hell but I needed the money to survive, kept applying and doing interviews for other positions until I eventually found one that was pretty decent.

    Your instincts here are good, you are a valuable person that can offer a lot to a company willing to compensate you appropriately and treat you well. We are pressured into accepting the first offer that comes our way regardless of how bad it may be but if you know your own worth and have patience you will eventually find something worthwhile. Don’t feel bad about it, feel proud that you have the self confidence to say “no”

  • I went to a pro Palestine rally here in Tokyo over the weekend, it was pretty cool! Unfortunately I was too shy to really chat with anyone there outside of basic pleasantries so I ended up leaving feeling more alienated and sad than before lol. I have no idea how to break into existing social groups, I feel too self conscious about butting into conversations unprompted. I also think the format of the rally wasn’t really conducive to chatting though since there wasn’t much down time, hopefully I’ll have better luck at the next food not bombs crush

  • Fully agreed, it’s very validating to see other people acknowledge a lot of horrible realities most handwave or deny. It can really throw you into a solipsistic spiral when everyone around you seems to gaslight you or completely deny reality as you experience it. Simply seeing other posts here that I can really relate to has helped my mental health significantly