18 days agoLooks great! Huntress in particular always felt uncanny, her new look is far better. Not sure about rogue’s changes though, he could use an eyepatch or scar to feel more roguish. Right now he feels generic?
Great to see trinket buffs as well, experienced players tend to avoid trinkets entirely to boost their winrate. There’s only a few that they might use at +0 or +1 to be cost-effective. +3 trinkets are never used and there’s not a lot of dungeon floors to justify the huge cost. Upgraded thrown weapons and darts are also worth looking into, a big chunk of them harms winrate when crafted, with only a few exceptions.
Huntress is definitely nicer! By “generic”, I meant rogue is starting to look more like a generic guy instead of rogue, the previous design felt more… criminal? A scar or eyepatch are some ideas that would exaggerate and show that the character is a rogue, but it’s not an important issue I think.
Though there may be some confirmation bias, I’ve been noticing more player complaints regarding trinkets outside of cliques. Ultimately trinkets make the game harder, which I am personally in favor of, but making choice-traps might not be the best way to do so. Data often have skewed meaning: I still try to +3 all the trinkets to see what it does, but the fact that I’m often upgrading them doesn’t mean that I think it’s a viable choice.
I used to think stuff like Parchment, Newt Eye and Mimic Tooth are good, but it’s very resource-extensive and often puts me in a much worse position. Other alternatives (like shop RC scroll, torch) are cheaper and better. Nowadays, for serious runs I mostly ignore trinkets completely to guarantee wins, but this is of course my personal opinion and other players can upgrade trinkets and do whatever they want to make their game fun.