• 2 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 27th, 2024


  • I’m a sinoboo but I’m willing to play Devil’s Advocate:

    1 Urban versus rural divide is still harsh. The big cities look like they live in the future but a great deal of the nation still lives in underdeveloped areas in the countryside.

    2 While a lot better than it used to be, air pollution can still be rather bad.

    3 Population growth is still too low.

    4 Too much of the new national wealth is tied up in real estate (which is a shitty industry for the health of a nation).

    5 While it’s to prevent CIA led coups, separatist movements and/or color revolutions… the security state is rather stifling and civil rights are cast aside.

    6 Poor soft power projection since the arts where largely abandoned by society with the Dengist government. They lack “anime”, or “Kpop” to push their narrative into the world. Lately the CPC has been promoting more domestically produced movies but they really need to step up their game.

    7 Their LGBTQ+ rights are garbage, and honestly it’s inexcusable.

  • To think Ukraine could’ve walked out of this with nothing more than a bloody nose and a bruised ego. At this point Russia has no incentive to stop, they’ve mitigated the sanctions, found states willing to buy their oil and gas and learned to produce weapons of war without importing parts… militarily they’re winning and it’s unlikely Ukraine can reasonably expect to fight much longer without a total adult male conscription (like the Nazis did once the USSR breached Germany’s borders) and even then, it would destroy their population in exchange for buying time, not a victory.

    They went all in on the West, and I think just now they’re beginning to realize that they got duped.

  • Definitely vote, just vote for whatever the closest thing to a revolutionary party that you can, even if that party is only going to get like 2%, revolution won’t happen via the voting box but there’s a reason that the CIA tries to subvert these parties.

    Social democrats can “win” sometimes but their advances are fleeting, look at Sweden, Netherlands, and France to see how quickly their gains can be undone. Hell, even Labour in Britain and the Democratic Party in the US were somewhat respectable social democratic parties in the earlier to mid 20th century. However why would they work to shut down CPUSA (before it was co-opted)? Because it can serve as a barometer for revolutionary sentiment.