RyanGosling [none/use name]

  • 220 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 3rd, 2023


  • Court intrigue is a real form of politics though. We can still see it today. Staff members selectively leaking material to the media, parties “strategically” donating to their enemies, Watergate, COINTELPRO, lobbying, sex clubs, Biden not trusting his own security, intelligence agencies, oppo research and cyber warfare, and so on

    They’re small parts of politics, but legitimate nonetheless. It usually only happens within the realm of power and not normal people. But even office gossip with the hopes of someone getting fired is intrigue for the civilian.

  • I’m also interested in reading about the ways people use drones for revolutionary purposes, for lack of a better term

    If you’re talking about explosives, look into drop mechanisms. These are usually advertised as delivery drones. You’ll also need to consider battery life as a function of payload weight and distance, and the fact that the government has signal jammers and teams to triangulate your location. Perhaps one way to circumvent this is by standing in a crowded area and not using your phone. As for the explosives themselves, you’ll have to research that yourself