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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 25th, 2023


  • As they are closed source no one can tell you their true privacy policy. It seems better than average from what I’ve read but you never know…

    Personally I use logseq and sync the files via a Nextcloud instance. I can only recommend it, although I also recommend spending an hour to learn the tagging and linking logic and reading through their guide on what’s possible. I still only leverage a minor part of the potential myself.

    One that is closer to onenote (I think, never used onenote) is Joplin.

  • This comment is so wild to my non US eyes. I had to convert the sqft you gave because I missremembered. Friends of mine are family with two kids and live in a bit more than half that space (80m2) - and are not the exception from what I know.

    To see 130m2 “too small for the family” is really weird and I’d love to see/understand where the differences come from. I guess that even how the space is calculated might have an impact. Really fascinating!

    Thanks for sharing!

  • I don’t know why you think that this is projection on the OPs part.

    Personally I don’t find that “suspense” part that you describe. I fully agree that she has a highly successful career and fan base - doesn’t mean her humor is for everyone.

    Personally I’m curious to see the series and I find her way less annoying than some of the past people which were highly popular (Cooper and Stirling for me personally).

    I’m more curious than worried - and could fully understand that someone expressed “oh there’s this comedian I don’t enjoy, too bad. Oh is that something I shouldn’t say about this person specifically?”.

  • Arr my friend, there are solutions to your problem! If course it depends on what you (don’t) see as theft.

    My opinion: it isn’t. If you want only this one thing then I suggest the manual approach. But if you once tasted the high seas you’ll soon become your own tech specialist, running a whole… Stack of arr.

    And to be less subtle: torrent that shit. Use a vpn. If you want to ramp it up check out the arr stack aka servarr aka a way to automate the whole download and consume thing. There’s a learning curve involved but learning is fun! :)

  • Is there anything to support this? I couldn’t find anything that really has this intend documented and Intel weren’t the only on pushing for usb as the most simple protocol possible ( I recall a lot of excitement about the “u” part… How naive at least I was back then!).

    I’m not knowledgeable enough to really argue against it, looking simply from an Okham point of view as “they wanted everything to connect” - the printer in the same way as that PDA… Plus Intels de facto (IT) world domination at the time it just seems unlikely.

    Edit: some sentences didn’t make even less sense, fixed.