• 6 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • Counterpoint - you’re cherry picking. He also invites left wing guests and gives them the same opportunity to speak.

    He has a vast audience because a more centrist view of things appeals to a huge # of people. Your description of his audience is reductive and close minded. Yep, there are people who fit that description. And there are going to be others who fit every other description you can write down, too. Why? Because hundreds of millions of people listen.

  • Bigot is a strong word for him. I guess if you are pro-trans athletes in sports you would find him that way, but I can’t really think of other issues where he expresses close minded views? Fucking guy learns and changes his mind when presented with evidence, which is a huge reason I can listen to him. Even if some of the subjects and guests are kinda fucked up or dull or misinformed.

    Like, tulsi gabbard last week reading a thing from the UN and totally either misunderstanding it, or worse, twisting it into saying something it 100% wasn’t. And Rogan was just kinda like “I dunno maybe” as he’s not very confrontational, very often.

  • I enjoy Rogan. I hear shit I should know without the msm slant.

    Some of his guests are batshit crazy, but I think he just gives a platform to everybody. You know, free speech is also freedom to disagree. But censorship isn’t good, and he’s not about that.

    From time to time his guests say some ridiculous shit though. I’d say I agree with maybe 40% of the content, disagree with 40%, and am neutral or uneducated on the 20% in the middle. It’ll spur me in to read / listen to other topics and expand my knowledge base so I can form an opinion.

    There’s a load of shit brought up on Rogan you might otherwise have not known, because the media is a stilted propaganda machine.