Yes. I’ve been in a lot of operating rooms for a lot of different surgeries. It’s also common to give antibiotics before a surgery…and wear surgical masks… which is my point, also in the context of COVID masks still work to reduce the spread of a virus. Antibiotics will not work against a virus.
Paramedic here! They both serve different purposes. CPR keeps blood circulating to keep one’s brain and other important organs alive. An AED will detect the activity of someone’s heart and if it is a specific rhythm it will shock it. Cardiac arrest isn’t always a flat line, it can be the heart quivering or ineffectively pumping. This shock stops the heart briefly and then hopefully their heart will return to a normal rhythm.
In the simplest terms I can think of, someone in cardiac arrest needs both. Without CPR their brain will die. Without an AED they are less likely to come out of cardiac arrest and will just remain dead.