• 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Hey @brucethemoose hope you don’t mind if I ding you one more time. Today I loaded up with qwen 14b and 32b. Yes, 32B (Q3_KS). I didn’t do much testing with 14B but it spoke well and fast. Was more excited to play with the 32B once I found out it would run to be honest. It just barely makes the mark of tolerable speed just under 2T/s (really more like 1.7 with some context loaded in). I really do mean barely, the people who think 5t/s is slow would eat their heart out. However that reasoning and coherence though? Off the charts. I like the way it speaks more than mistral small too. So wow just wow is all I can say. Can’t believe all the good models that came out in such a short time and leaps made in the past two months. Thank you again for recommending qwen don’t think I would have tried the 32B without your input.

  • Thanks for the recommendation. Today I tried out Mistral Small IQ4_XS in combination with running kobold through a headless terminal environment to squeeze out that last bit of vram. With that, the GPU layers offloaded were able to be bumped up from 28 to 34. The token speed went up from 2.7t/s to 3.7t/s which is like a 50% speed increase. I imagine going to Q3 would get things even faster or allow for a bump in context size.

    I appreciate you recommending Qwen too, ill look into it.

  • Smokeydope@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldIt's true.
    3 days ago

    Me, a nerd: its just a joke don’t go off on a tangent, dont go off on a tangent, dont go - just let it be… I just… I just…


    So achtbually, nature works with transcendental real numbers on the complex plane with uncountably infinite precision.

    Lets break this math nerd statement down in a way normal people might understand. First, most numbers are multi-dimensional and live on a plane instead of a line. The straight integer number line like 0, 1, 2 is just a small slice of the plane. In this plane, imaginary numbers occupy their own dimension. Complex numbers which are made of both real and imaginary parts occupy another dimension.

    Moreover, most numbers are also infinitely precise thus being uncalculatable. Their decimal places go on forever and ever without repeating or being representable with a ratio of integers. Its why we only have good approximations for pi instead of an exact pinpoint knowledge of it. There are methods to get closer and closer approximations but you need an infinite time frame to complete that unending process.

    Theres actually somehow more uncountably real numbers than countable integers and ratios, even though they are both infinite. There are more decimal numbers between 0-1 than there are integers between 0-infinity. One form of infinity is literally bigger than another, and that bigger infinity is the one nature likes working with.

    Moreover, most of our universal physical and mathematical constants are transcendental reals because nature gets a hard-on for baking multidimensional fractal holomorphic topology and complex nonlinear equations into its magical abstraction bullshit logic.

    Theoretical physicist during the 20th century were VERY salty about finding complex and imaginary real numbers in their physical equations. Since it implies that complex numbers arent just imaginary tools of abstrction but somehow “real” and affects the universes physical machinery. Nonlinear dynamic equations put a bullet through the brains of classical scientific determinism. Thank you very much, chaos theory and entropy.

    It’s not that we invented imaginary numbers, its that they were the missing piece to fully complete our understanding of algebra. With them, we finally graduated from cave man linear algebra, to discovering holomorphic dynamics which model the way natural systems actually work. After 2000 years of banging basic logical abstractions together to make a enough decent sparks of discovery for a real smoldering fire.

    Computer processing power sure helped to visualize these higher dimensional topologies for our little monkey brains to process with our eyeballs in real time instead of just thinking about this stuff in the minds eye. I sure cant visualize a 4D hypercube let alone a 20ishD hyperstructure that AI image network picture forms brought down to three dimensions.

    Really its a miracle that we have even a thin narrow portion of numbers we can compute, all our regular integers and ratios are islands distanced apart by an infinitely deep ocean.

    In case you were wondering about the stuff in the image: Multidimensional AI activation map showing how and image AI organizes its knowledge on a neural network. Similar concepts or images are closer together.

    3D mandelbrot set with the logistic map highlighted along its real number line axis. https://github.com/jonnyhyman/Chaos

    minibrot zoom in

    algae colony arranging itself into conjoined 2nd iteration sierpinski triangle, screenshot from a journey to the microcosmos video.

    pascals algebraic triangle encoding the sierpinski triangle by if the number is even or odd (base/mod 2)

    the dynamic map of where a pendulum will land if pulled upon by three magnets equally spaced given its initial starting spot. https://youtu.be/C5Jkgvw-Z6E

  • My niece and nephew ended up in the system and I felt morally obligated to put my life on pause and help my parents get them adopted and taking care of them. I couldn’t even move back into the house as each child required their own room so for the past year I’ve been living in a tent in their back yard. The whole ordeal has been emotionally taxing, but also kind of rewarding in weird ways I didn’t expect.

    In terms of the kids, its nice to be able to positively influence their lives and show them the kindness, love, and guidance I wish I had. When I make them laugh or they express gratitude It makes me feel like my existence wasn’t a complete waste.

    In terms of living in a tent? I came to love it. It taught me to overcome many issues and made me much more resiliant. To better understand the difference between convinence and necessity. Most of the things you think you need, you really don’t.

    From the basic survival stuff like adjusting to the climate, to building my own solar system, to learning how to clean myself and use the bathroom without running water. I minimized my entire lifestyle, let go of all the useless trinkets I thought I needed, and found the true basics of what a person really needs to be comfortable.

    I also learned how to confront my fears of what other people think of me for daring to live an alternative lifestyle in their view.

    I feel so mentally different from the person I was a year ago. More capable and confident. I feel like I can do anything, be anyone, go anywhere. I feel kind of great about myself and my situation in life. I feel like I’m an okay person living a genuine authentic life. Helping out my family while getting myself figured out.

    Also given the current housing and renting market, I can’t help but feel like I’ve figured out a cheat code. "Affordable housing? That converted out car looks good enough to me. "

    I dont think things would have gone this way had the kids not ended up in the system.

  • It depends on how far back you go and who you contact about he incident and the evidence to solidify the claim. 9/11 could have been stopped relatively easily with a few days notice to national security. The air force could have shot both planes out of the sky. Just call the civilian deaths a tragic casalty of terrorism and use it to help fuel the war. The twin towers could have been shut down that day.

    But you’ve gotta materialize right in front of the commander in chief, bring a mountain of carbon datable evidence like news papers and original classified docs, and hope that you don’t get brained on the spot before you make your case.

    As for covid, you probably can’t stop it but maybe better warn and prepare world governments so they can get their population ready through subtle conditioning like trying to get wearing mask be a fashon trend or advertising bidets heavily as the new rich yuppie thing to show as a status symbol.

  • There’s some real societal stigma against living and working out of a vehicle and I think thats hurting lots of people right now.

    I think that we should promote living in vehicles and the nomadic lifestyle as a legitimate alternative to the conventional housing and renting system, while getting the government dollars to flow into charities like the homes on wheels alliance to help buy and convert used vehicles into minimal living spaces for those in need.

    The current housing market is fucked, the current renting market is fucked, more and more people are forced to choose between paying rent and not dying of starvation, inevitably choosing the latter and getting evicted. Its going to take either a complete breakdown of the system or decades of gradual correction to fix these problems at all. In the meantime, let’s swallow our pride and accept that living in a pod on wheels is better than living on the street.

    Also, I think the big issue with homelessness from the perspective of most people is visibility. Its not an issue as long as you can’t see it and it doesnt affect property values. Putting people in cars helps take away some visibility of that reality for the yuppies and homeowners who can’t stand seeing such things. One of the comments here complained about seeing a homeless person shamelessly popping under a bridge. If that homeless person had a blacked-out van with a sleeping cot and had pooped in a bucket out of view you would never know what’s going on in that random van.

    Of course some homeless people are just nasty pricks who dont give a fuck and would shit in public anyways hard on that Diogenes philosophy, but thats human nature for you.