SpookyGenderCommunist [they/them]

Mao ZeDong x Nikita Khrushchev Friends to Enemies to Lovers Erotic Fan Fiction

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • Origins of the Family, Private Property, and The State by Engles - This is result foundational, as others have noted.

    Make Way for Winged Eros by Alexandra Kollontai - There’s a section in here that’s a historical materialist account of love under different forms of class society. It honestly doesn’t get talked about enough.

    Capitalism and Gay Identity by John D’emilio - basically what it says on the tin. Building on prior Marxists like Engles and Kollintai, D’emilio looks at industrial capitalism’s influence of the formation of modern gayness.

    Caliban and the Witch by Sylvia Federici - Though principally about the oppression of Women, this book is a Marxist account of the early modern witch hunts, their relationship to enclosure of the Commons, and colonialism in the new world. A process which, over the next couple centuries, regimented and categorized queerness in ways that would simultaneously fuel the oppression of queer people, and their ability to organize politically against that oppression.

    Transgender Warriors by Leslie Feinberg - my favorite book on this list, and one that ties all the others on this list together. Feinberg is doing an historical materialist analysis of transness, which can be broadly applied to queerness generally. I would probably read this first, as it’s pretty accessible.

  • I seem to recall that the YPG/SDF even said that they felt the global left, and the western left in particular, failed them. And that failure of international support and solidarity is what forced them into a position of having to work with the US to fight ISIS.

    So now they’re in a situation where NATO is actively fucking them over. Turkey has parked itself on the border, and regularly lobs bombs at civilian targets, and the US looks the other way, while it swallows up Syrian oil. They don’t want the US there, and openly state as much. But their presence is the only thing keeping Turkey, a fellow NATO power, from invading even more.

    And what’s the Western Left’s response to this obvious imperial plunder? For people who do nothing but post on the bear website, to complain about a lack of ideological purity from a global south leftist movement that’s been forced to choose between being plundered by the US, genocided by ISIS, or invaded and occupied by Turkey.

    I’ve even seen people (more on Reddit then here, tbf) smugly saying that civilian deaths are ok, because “that’s what they get for siding with the US”, as though that justifies NATO war crimes, or that the people of the region even wanted that in the first place.

    It’s almost like the world is more complicated than a Marvel movie.